Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol II: #34 Time to Relax

(When the Lord wants us to see something, He repeats Himself. He’s not a random voice in the wind, rather a constant song. And, the Father’s song over my life is “Nik, relax. I’ve got you.”Ok, Lord, I hear you. Teach me to relax in You. I’m ready for it.)

As is common at a school like BSSM, on Wednesday afternoon, we were told to pair up with a buddy for prophetic words. To my left was a lanky young man named Wesley. He’s got an innocent smile and tends to be a bit shy. Following our instructions, I encouraged him to be himself and resist comparison. After I finished, he said he saw me surrounded by “pictures of peace” and to “relax.” Midway through his encouragement he stopped to ask, “does this makes sense?” It’s a question insecure people ask when they wonder if the word the Lord gave them is real. Wesley, who often looks uncomfortable, was out on a limb. I told him to “keep going.”

When he finished, I gave him the affirmation he sought. Yes. His encouragement made sense to me. He was the fifth person in two weeks to tell me to “relax.” He looked surprised, which I understand. Most of my classmates are either quiet and reserved, or loud and shaky. I’m neither. From Wesley’s perspective, I look at ease in class. He doesn’t know how much anxiety I fight on daily basis- how I struggle with unwritten expectations and demands. I’ve got that “old man” confidence. Anxiety will not keep me from pushing forward from what the Lord has for my life. Regardless, I will relax and let go of the unholy demands on my heart and mind.

(When the Lord wants us to see something, He repeats Himself. He’s not a random voice in the wind, rather a constant song. And, the Father’s song over my life is “Nik, relax. I’ve got you.”Ok, Lord, I hear you. Teach me to relax in You. I’m ready for it.)

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #237 Ordinary Miracles Part 2

I conclude by saying I want to remain grateful for every moment with Jesus. Entitlement is a killer. I’m not entitled to anything. The fact I hear the voice of God on a daily basis is special. I want to nurture and grow it each day.

I promised a part two of Ordinary Miracles, and here it is…


The belief and ability to hear the Lord speak is a miracle, which depends on how we define the word miracle. For my purpose I define a miracle as a supernatural event. A supernatural event is any time our natural world collides with Him. He is not “natural.”

Miracles often have lasting effects i.e. the resurrection of Jesus. Regardless of your point of view it changed the world. Of course, a Christian like me would say that, so I’ll offer another less obvious miracle: Paul’s assertion we are all one in Christ. The case can be made the modern day idea of equality comes from Paul, particularly Galatians 3:28 and Colossians 3:11. He tore down gender, economic, and ethnic lines in poetic verse. No one prior to Paul made such a bold claim.

Back to miracles…They happen. And the more I look for them, the more I find. Last summer, when pressed by my then business partner, I agreed to end our partnership and relinquish my ownership. I didn’t know what was next. I didn’t have a plan. But, I did have faith. A month or so later, I called a friend to go for a short hike around Redding. As we walked through the woods I gave him all the details of my failed partnership (and separate romantic relationship.) Then he asked, “what are you doing now?” In truth, I picked up a few odd marketing jobs but nothing substantial. With all the confidence I had, I told him exactly that. I was now in marketing and looking for work.

A few minutes later, I had more work. It’s the job I have now. A job I was not qualified to have, but has blessed me beyond comprehension. It’s great to work with people who believe in me. And when I went to meet my friend it never occurred to me he could offer me work. Not even once. It’s a miracle.

And now, back to ordinary miracles, specifically the prophetic. Make no mistake, God talks to his kids. The problem with the prophetic is we are often wrong, blind, or biased. We insert our voice for His, miss what He’s saying, or skew the message to fit our vision. It will always be this way. To improve our ability to hear God is to listen requires courage. Somethings we can’t hear until we aren’t ready to accept them. My personal example is I tend to hang onto women for far too long. I want the Lord to tell me it’s going to work out with whoever just broke up with me. The truth is I will end up marrying going some wonderful woman.

Issues aside, the Lord still speaks and His voice is kind. I forget how special it is. Thousands of years later, He still wants to walk and talk with us. The Divine Good conversing with human of time and space. I don’t want to lose site of what is really happening. Part of the process is remaining faith when I miss the message- when I superimpose my will or desires over His. Additionally, I want to continue to write down every single word He gives me, because I want to partner with Him to reel them in. Far too often I fallen into a sort of Christian fortune-telling experience, as if I don’t participate in my life. Fate isn’t real.

I conclude by saying I want to remain grateful for every moment with Jesus. Entitlement is a killer. I’m not entitled to anything. The fact I hear the voice of God on a daily basis is special. I want to nurture and grow it each day.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #234 Ordinary Miracles Explained Pt 1

When to stop to reflect what the prophetic really is in our lives, how can we continue to run around “looking” for miracles. They literally happen everyday. It’s time to recognize this daily supernatural reality for the gift it is. Thank you Lord.

I am way too tired to get into this tonight, but tomorrow will be a real humdinger. What I will preview now is the idea- my reality- that the Lord speaks to us. I have believed and lived in the state for a long time. I’ve been in it so long I often fail to consider it for the miracle it is. I talk to God and He talks back. Every time. It’s bonkers to say aloud. Not many people, including fellow Christians believe this is possible. Yet we few- we happy few- dare to wade into the impossible. What a life we lead.

When to I stop to reflect what the prophetic really is in our lives, I ask how can we continue to run around “looking” for miracles. They literally happen everyday. It’s time to recognize this daily supernatural reality for the gift it is. Thank you Lord.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #233 What Is New Life?

I heard a man I respect once say he treasured his words from Jesus, which was a completely new concept to me. He spoke as if the words the Lord gave him were seeds planted in his heart in need of water and sun. I have mostly viewed the prophetic as modern day fortune-telling- people trying to predict the future. (Very inaccurately.) This particular minister partners with the Lord to bring the words to pass. That’s what I want to do.

What Is New Life

While I prayed late Tuesday evening, the Lord told me I, “have new life. Like you’ve never seen before.” It’s the type of statement most of us want to hear, but I’ve taught myself to reject. What does “new life” even mean? It’s a very Christian-ese thing to say along with “suddenlies” and “new levels.” I don’t know what those statements really mean either. I believe the intent of the person speaking them is to imbue the recipient with hope for the future. If the Lord does work in sudden movements and swift “promotions,” I have yet to see it. The Holy Spirit I know is patient and methodical.

Still, I don’t have much time for cynicism. I wrote no lies when I said “the Holy Spirit I know is patient and methodical,” but that doesn’t mean He limited to my experience. Perhaps sudden life changes and promotions are a thing. My life experience has taught me to work and grow. When I do follow that path, doors open. Showing up to my life, ready to be me is the only way forward. Again, it’s not the only way.

Let me get back to what the Lord said Tuesday night. I accept new life, whatever it may be. I accept it because the Lord told me it was coming. My problem is I have no idea what He’s talking about. New life how? When? In what area of life? Will I even notice? I hope I do.

I want to approach this moment with an open heart and mind. “New life” could mean anything. It could be related to something specific to one area of my life, or my life in general. It could be a relationship, although I think this is about me. It might be new life in my heart or mind. The Lord draw me a map with instructions on the back. Regardless, I win receive what the Father says and water it with prayer.

I heard a man I respect once say he treasured his words from Jesus, which was a completely new concept to me. He spoke as if the words the Lord gave him were seeds planted in his heart in need of water and sun. I have mostly viewed the prophetic as modern day fortune-telling- people trying to predict the future. (Very inaccurately.) This particular minister partners with the Lord to bring the words to pass. That’s what I want to do.

So…here I am. Ready for new life, and working the ground till it comes.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #215 I’m Not Crazy, Just Prophetic

Listening to the Lord is not a science. Each of us misses the mark. We insert our desires and hopes in the place of His voice. Millions of good Christians got it wrong last November, and millions more will do it in the next election. It is….what it is. I’m no different.

For twenty years, I’ve seen pictures and felt emotions I can’t explain. I am a crazy Christian, the type foolish enough to believe God talks directly to me. I know He does. Every time I think of someone and stopped to listen to the Holy Spirit on their behalf, He’s given me a timely word for them. I can’t count the occasions where the person in mind immediately responded with excitement or joy.

I’m Not Crazy

When I was twenty-three, I woke up in the middle of the night in terror. I felt the Lord ask me to pray against terrorism in Israel. Two days later I saw a newspaper story about a would be teenage suicide bomber at a checkpoint in the Gaza Strip. He surrendered rather than bomb the checkpoint because he “wanted to live.” (I still have that paper.)

A few years later, on an aimless internet surf, I ran across a story of an Afghani man in prison for the crime of converting to Christianity. For a week I fasted and prayed. In my man I saw this man walking free despite the Afghani government insistence that he be executed. I woke up the following Saturday to find out he was covertly flown out of the country. His life was spared.

Over and over again I’ve heard the voice of the Lord speaking to me, and I trust Him.

Time To Move Forward

Today, I put out a fleece. I don’t know if I’m impatient or wise, but I gotta do it. Since December I believe I’ve heard the Holy Spirit speak about an issue close to my heart. I’m either delusional or right where I need to be. In any case, I want to move forward. I just need something to hang my hat on, an indication I’m right or wrong. I’ll take either.

Listening to the Lord is not a science. Each of us misses the mark. We insert our desires and hopes in the place of His voice. Millions of good Christians got it wrong last November, and millions more will do it in the next election. It is….what it is. I’m no different.

In Faith I Pray

This ask I make of the Lord is one of faith rather and entitlement. I’m not asking for a million dollars or new car. I’m just asking to know I’m not crazy. Not this time. I’ll be happy with the result because I know He’s got me. My trust is in Him, not the outcome I desire. I’ve desired enough outcomes to know His best is better than mine.

So, to the handful of my faithful readers, stand with me. I offer no details, and I will not report back later after the window closes. Whatever comes, I decided to embrace the outcome as His will for me. Again, because I trust Him.

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