Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #56 Luke 2, Part I

Sometimes I stumble into a dangerous line of thinking when I read stories like that of Mary and Joseph and the shepherds. It goes like this: Of course Mary and Joseph obeyed the Lord. They saw angels, saw miracles (in the form of Elizabeth’s pregnancy), and were visited by the mostly lowly of men (the shepherds) and the upper crust (the Magi.) The first Christian power couple didn’t have a choice given all the supernatural events happened in their lives. It’s harder for me. I haven’t seen an angel or had random stranger turn up to confirm my calling.

I began reading Luke this week. It’s my favorite Gospel because it the most complete Gospel. Most historians believe it to be the latest arrival of the so-called synoptic Gospels, which is why is seems to be more full of descriptions and explanations than Mark or Matthew. (Luke is also the longest book in the new testament by number of verses and words.)

Today I read Luke 2, the story of Jesus’ birth, the shepherd visit, and his 12 year-old visit to Jerusalem for Passover. I paused over the sections of the shepherds’ encounter with an angel. With my eyes closed I pictured a cool night on a hillside and then a burst of light, an angel, then many angels, and instruction on where to find “a Savior.” And then, the angels leave and the shepherds are left to act or stay with their flock, the night sky hung back in the same place it always was. Of course, we know they chose to leave their sheep- presumably in the care of a trusted friend or two- in search of the newborn. They found Mary and Joseph, postpartum in a barn, their son wrapped in rags and laying a trough. I wondered if Joseph and Mary thought of leaving Jesus in that barn. Who would know? It wasn’t Joseph’s son after all. All the world probably weighed on them, to question their dreams and visitations, everything they’d been told and believed. And then, as if the Lord where saying to Mary and Joseph “you aren’t crazy or foolish” a gang of smelly shepherds appeared outside the door. And they confirmed every damn thing Mary was told and knew to be true.

Sometimes I stumble into a dangerous line of thinking when I read stories like that of Mary and Joseph and the shepherds. It goes like this: Of course Mary and Joseph obeyed the Lord. They saw angels, saw miracles (in the form of Elizabeth’s pregnancy), and were visited by the mostly lowly of men (the shepherds) and the upper crust (the Magi.) The first Christian power couple didn’t have a choice given all the supernatural events that happened in their lives. It’s harder for me. I haven’t seen an angel or had random stranger turn up to confirm my calling.

These thoughts are, of course, a shitty load of hot garbage. I have seen and experienced miracles, had multiple supernatural dreams, had way more than a few. strangers confirm my identity and calling of my life. It’s bullshit to believe otherwise, regardless of what the world says. What I want to expose is the enemy and how he works. That asshole figured out how to lie so effectively, he’s able to get us to deny God supernatural hand in our lives. Which is why the power of our testimony is powerful beyond words. The more we repeat what we’ve seen and know, the more faith grows in us.

I will never be step-dad to the Messiah, but I am a son of the King. And He’s blessed my life through redemption and grace, miracles and signs, love and kindness. And I will never let go of these Truths.

Part 2 tomorrow.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol II: #51 Praying for Ukraine

Yes. I’m pissed about what’s happening in Ukraine. First and foremost, my heart goes out to a people who just want to rule themselves. They deserve as much. They deserve to live in a country untainted by threats on journalists and violent abuse of the LBGT community. I know our weak President will not respond with strength or swift action. So, I put all of my faith and energy into the hands of the Lord. He loves the Ukrainian people, and being ruled by Russia is not His plan for them.

Right now, a dictator is slowly moving his pieces on the board, eating up chunks of Ukraine as he goes. While the West scrambles to respond, the former KGB agent is playing chess while we act like it’s a game of go fish. Vladimir Putin is wiser and more evil than any of his communist predecessors. He learned from Hitler to be patient instead of rash- to wait for elections in countries given to popular swings in policy. He’s not going anywhere, safe in the knowledge that Biden is on the clock. The warnings were given by 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney and the late great General Colin Powell. They were laughed at then ignored*. And now, and for who knows how long, we’ve got a real shit show on our hands.

See, while Americans bitch about masks and vaccines, Putin is planning a take over of Eastern Europe. And up till now, he’s taken little bits of various eastern bloc countries. And, why not? Russia suffered no real consequences from its interference in British and US elections. What’s taking land from Georgia or seizing Crimea? In truth, it’s everything. Criminal minds start small and expand once they become confident they can take more. Putin going to spread his special brand of tyranny all over Europe, and he’ll take it one mile at a time. He’s in no rush.

President Bush saw this coming. Even though he smiled and talked warmly of Putin, Mr. Bush also pushed for a missile defense system in the Czech Republic. President Obama scrapped the plan as paranoid, though they would later deny this claim. Last year the Czech Republic finally signed a deal with Israel on a defense system though it won’t be completed for some time. Too little too late to save Ukraine, but still worth doing. Putin won’t stop with Ukraine. We best be ready.

What chaps my ass is how blind people are to real-world dangers. Crazy conservatives believe Hollywood sacrifices babies and liberals are scared of people without masks. Meanwhile, the planet is about to boil due to climate change(greed) and Vladimir Putin continues to inflict pain on everyone he rules (Not to mention China’s ever-expanding reach and subjugation of developing countries.) We have our heads so far up our own asses we can’t see what’s really happening in the world. But, I will not fear what’s in the world.

Yes. I’m pissed about what’s happening in Ukraine. First and foremost, my heart goes out to people who just want to rule themselves. They deserve as much. They deserve to live in a country untainted by threats on journalists and violent abuse of the LBGT community. I know our weak President will not respond with strength or swift action. So, I put all of my faith and energy into the hands of the Lord. He loves the Ukrainian people, and being ruled by Russia is not His plan for them.

It no longer matters who was right or wrong. We need a miracle. Ukraine needs a miracle. And, I will pray they have it.

*And don’t forget that ding-dong Trump. He was Putin’s lap dog for the last four years. He called Putin a “good guy” and never said a bad thing about the man. To be fair, both Democrats and Republicans are at fault when it comes to how we’ve let Putin get away with literal murder. It just sucks that Biden is terrified to be strong when we need it most.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol II: #26 A Miracle?

Here are the facts: Four days ago, according to self-described experts, the weather forecast for Northern California was nothing unusual. Early September is normally hot and dry, though less so than August or July. The mornings are cooler as the days grow shorter, and the shadows grow long by midday. Three days ago the smoke from the surrounding fires blew back into Redding. And, two days ago a group of ministry schools students prayer for rain. Last night, we got rain- a healthy and steady down pour.

Here are the facts: Four days ago, according to self-described experts, the weather forecast for Northern California was nothing unusual. Early September is normally hot and dry, though less so than August or July. The mornings are cooler as the days grow shorter, and the shadows grow long by midday. Three days ago the smoke from the surrounding fires blew back into Redding. And, two days ago a group of ministry schools students prayed for rain. Last night, we got rain- a healthy and steady downpour.

What didn’t happen: The demon fire known as the Dixie Fire continues to rage east of Redding. But, the predicted “dry” lighting fires did not manifest. Overall, the rain helped reduce the smoke and dampen the fires.

Here’s the fun part: As of today, the highest probability of rain in the Redding area over the next two weeks is 7%- again, very normal. But, we will continue to ask for a miracle. The fun is in the winning. I know what the world would say. I know my own critical thoughts, “The rain didn’t put out the fires.” Yeah? No shit. Ok, well then, we will pray for more rain.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #267 I Wanna Walk On Water Too

I'll walk on water one day, in this life or next. In the interim, I want to learn how to shine. I want to learn how to interject love and the Lord's kindness into my life and lives around me. Words are too often underrated. So Father, teach me how to use my words to bring life to the dying and water to the thirsty. May your kingdom advance through me.

I Wanna Walk On Water Too

The miracles Jesus performed remain the biggest challenge (and encouragement) to my faith. My favorite is when He turned water into wine. Of all His miracles and displays of God's glory, it is the most unnecessary. Walking on water was epic too. At least a stroll amongst the waves was practical. The wedding party didn't need more alcohol to fuel their celebration.

Then we read of the mercy and faith miracles. The woman who bled, i.e. had a twelve year menstrual cycle, was so desperate and sure. The Roman Centurion knew he wasn't worthy of Jesus, yet he knew Jesus would heal his beloved slave. And then we read of the Canaanite (modern day Lebanese) woman who refused to give up when Jesus said no. Move by her persistence and faith, Jesus acted on her behalf.

When I read through Matthew or Mark, I'm overwhelmed by the shear volume of supernatural power. Then the voice of the judge begins to speak to me. I begin to compare my life to my Savior's. And, I do not measure up. (Newsflash: I never will.)

I know any attempt to compare myself to Jesus is foolish. Moreover, my life is not devoid of the miraculous. Of late, I'm battling the temptation to settle for less as I walk with the Lord. I'll just do my reading and say my prayers. It would be nice if miracles happened, but I don't need them. All lies. I want more. I didn't sign up for an average/miserable walk with the Lord. I did...I did...sign up to walk with Him, wherever it He leads. And, this season is about developing faith and consistency. It's not about excellence or the extraordinary. And still, I trust the visitation, visions, and divine interventions will come.

I'll walk on water one day, in this life or next. In the interim, I want to learn how to shine. I want to learn how to interject love and the Lord's kindness into my life and lives around me. Words are too often underrated. So Father, teach me how to use my words to bring life to the dying and water to the thirsty. May your kingdom advance through me.


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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #237 Ordinary Miracles Part 2

I conclude by saying I want to remain grateful for every moment with Jesus. Entitlement is a killer. I’m not entitled to anything. The fact I hear the voice of God on a daily basis is special. I want to nurture and grow it each day.

I promised a part two of Ordinary Miracles, and here it is…


The belief and ability to hear the Lord speak is a miracle, which depends on how we define the word miracle. For my purpose I define a miracle as a supernatural event. A supernatural event is any time our natural world collides with Him. He is not “natural.”

Miracles often have lasting effects i.e. the resurrection of Jesus. Regardless of your point of view it changed the world. Of course, a Christian like me would say that, so I’ll offer another less obvious miracle: Paul’s assertion we are all one in Christ. The case can be made the modern day idea of equality comes from Paul, particularly Galatians 3:28 and Colossians 3:11. He tore down gender, economic, and ethnic lines in poetic verse. No one prior to Paul made such a bold claim.

Back to miracles…They happen. And the more I look for them, the more I find. Last summer, when pressed by my then business partner, I agreed to end our partnership and relinquish my ownership. I didn’t know what was next. I didn’t have a plan. But, I did have faith. A month or so later, I called a friend to go for a short hike around Redding. As we walked through the woods I gave him all the details of my failed partnership (and separate romantic relationship.) Then he asked, “what are you doing now?” In truth, I picked up a few odd marketing jobs but nothing substantial. With all the confidence I had, I told him exactly that. I was now in marketing and looking for work.

A few minutes later, I had more work. It’s the job I have now. A job I was not qualified to have, but has blessed me beyond comprehension. It’s great to work with people who believe in me. And when I went to meet my friend it never occurred to me he could offer me work. Not even once. It’s a miracle.

And now, back to ordinary miracles, specifically the prophetic. Make no mistake, God talks to his kids. The problem with the prophetic is we are often wrong, blind, or biased. We insert our voice for His, miss what He’s saying, or skew the message to fit our vision. It will always be this way. To improve our ability to hear God is to listen requires courage. Somethings we can’t hear until we aren’t ready to accept them. My personal example is I tend to hang onto women for far too long. I want the Lord to tell me it’s going to work out with whoever just broke up with me. The truth is I will end up marrying going some wonderful woman.

Issues aside, the Lord still speaks and His voice is kind. I forget how special it is. Thousands of years later, He still wants to walk and talk with us. The Divine Good conversing with human of time and space. I don’t want to lose site of what is really happening. Part of the process is remaining faith when I miss the message- when I superimpose my will or desires over His. Additionally, I want to continue to write down every single word He gives me, because I want to partner with Him to reel them in. Far too often I fallen into a sort of Christian fortune-telling experience, as if I don’t participate in my life. Fate isn’t real.

I conclude by saying I want to remain grateful for every moment with Jesus. Entitlement is a killer. I’m not entitled to anything. The fact I hear the voice of God on a daily basis is special. I want to nurture and grow it each day.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #234 Ordinary Miracles Explained Pt 1

When to stop to reflect what the prophetic really is in our lives, how can we continue to run around “looking” for miracles. They literally happen everyday. It’s time to recognize this daily supernatural reality for the gift it is. Thank you Lord.

I am way too tired to get into this tonight, but tomorrow will be a real humdinger. What I will preview now is the idea- my reality- that the Lord speaks to us. I have believed and lived in the state for a long time. I’ve been in it so long I often fail to consider it for the miracle it is. I talk to God and He talks back. Every time. It’s bonkers to say aloud. Not many people, including fellow Christians believe this is possible. Yet we few- we happy few- dare to wade into the impossible. What a life we lead.

When to I stop to reflect what the prophetic really is in our lives, I ask how can we continue to run around “looking” for miracles. They literally happen everyday. It’s time to recognize this daily supernatural reality for the gift it is. Thank you Lord.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Daily Journal: #87 Coming Full circle

I don’t think I’ll ever be happy or content unless I’m radically pursuing Jesus. All of my other plans for business and life must bow to that reality. The rub is when I think I’ve got to make this radical life happen. I don’t. My calling is to show up everyday and pursue the Kingdom. Whatever I am, and whatever I become will be in the daily pursuit of Jesus.

The Power of Books

Have you ever read the first page of a book, and suddenly found yourself transported to another time of your life? It’s a bit like how a song or smell can define an era. The smell of frying bacon will always remind me my grandma Lean’s farm house, cigarette smoke on a crisp fall day a reminder of high school football in South Carolina, and You Found Me by The Fray will forever be associated with my time in West Virginia.


Books can transport me too, although not as often, and certainly not new books. I rarely re-read a book, so transportation to the past is rare. I do have two recent exceptions, Tattoos on the Heart by Greg Boyle and When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson. I have yet to finish Tattoos because I end up in a heap of tears and snot every three pages, and I just began WHIE to similar results.

There was a time in my life when I wanted the impossible and believed it was my destiny to walk in it. My first modern “hero of the faith” was Smith Wigglesworth, and my second is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Both of these men walked in extreme faith to different ends. They represent the breadth of God, and His holistic Love for us.

Tattoos focuses my thoughts on the power of love, what patience and perseverance produces in our lives and the people we touch. The author, a Catholic priest, has spent his life ministering to the gang-infested neighborhoods of south-central Los Angeles. The book is essentially one love story after another, some of them quite tragic. It is the kind of love espoused by Dr King, where the miracle is in the doing, in the faith for the justice to come. It is the Love Jesus commanded us to pursue when He said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

WHIE pulls me back to twenty years ago when I wanted my life to be full of radically changed people, miracles on miracles, and life-giving prophetic words. I experienced some of it, but eventually settled for much less. I never lost my belief in such things, but I assumed I was not qualified to live that life. It stirred a jealousy in me I refused to admit until this past summer. I am only ten pages into it, but I already know what purpose the book serves in my life- to call me back to a higher plane with Him.

Back to the Start

Since I began this blog, I wandered what’s its purpose is. Since July (and originally on Tumblr), I’ve written a blog post nearly everyday, some days more than one. Until today, I wrote whatever came to mind to write. And today, even I write this post, I see now what the purpose of this blog is. As such, I see greater purpose for myself, for my walk with the Lord. And I glimpse the future to come.

I don’t think my story is unique. Many people, especially early in our lives, are excited about Jesus. We dream and imagine the Glory to come as we consume books and stories of our heroes. “I’m gonna be like them,” we say to ourselves. “I’m not going to sink into mediocre Christianity.” But most of us do. I did. I settled for less, took the corndog when I really wanted steak.

I sense, deep in my being, I have the unique opportunity to showcase what’s possible to those who settled like I once did. My heart has always been for my fellow Christians more than the lost. There are many frustrated Christians living a life well beneath what Jesus has for them. The purpose of this blog is to document one ordinary man’s journey back to the extraordinary. I want to be a sign post to my fellow Christians “YOU CAN DO THIS!”

The goodness of God is how He used my wandering. I didn’t waste twenty years. I’m glad I learned what Love is. I'm happy I mended roofs in the southern coal fields of West Virginia, waited tables in Charlotte, and slung technology by phone in California. And I find true joy is seeing how the Lord built my foundation. I have a foot on both the Glory of His miraculous Love, and the tender Loving Kindness He has for each and every person.

He is a God of miracles and justice. We need not settle for one or the other. Jesus said we would move mountain if only we have the faith and persistence to tell it to move. Many different types of mountains exist: racism, poverty, blindness, diabetes, depression, anxiety, jealousy, addictions, climate change, etc. We need not settle for one type of mountain or another. They all must melt before Him.

I’m enjoying my morning as I think about where I am in life. On paper I am a 40 year-old, single, white guy. But, that’s the way of the world. In the Kingdom, I’ve been trained for the last twenty years to be able to move mountains and encourage others to do the same- to pick up their callings and swords, to win the victories they were created to win. I’m back to where I started, more confident than ever.

Can’t Settle For Normal

Normal sucks, mostly. Can we agree on that? It’s safe, for certain, but it sucks. I have never been able to settle for normal. As my business coach put it “you torpedo everything normal because it’s not what your heart truly wants.” This morning as I read the first few pages of WHIE I came across something I’ve felt inside of me for a long time:

It is abnormal for a Christian not to have an appetite for the impossible. It has been written into our spiritual DNA to hunger for the impossibilities around us to bow at the name of Jesus.”

When Heaven Invades Earth- Bill Johnson

I don’t think I’ll ever be happy or content unless I’m radically pursuing Jesus. All of my other plans for business and life must bow to that reality. The rub is when I think I’ve got to make this radical life happen. I don’t. My calling is to show up everyday and pursue the Kingdom. Whatever I am, and whatever I become will be in the daily pursuit of Jesus. I was not made to be my own Savior and Lord.

To this last point, I do find myself overwhelmed but only when I think it’s about me. Yesterday, I wrote about my fear of goal-setting, and when I think about trying to make everything happen at some distance point in the future I begin to sink. But life doesn’t happen all at once. I have today, and all I need to focus on is today. The Lord told me back in July to write and love the people in my orbit. I can do that. I am doing that.

It will be my pleasure and honor to document what’s about to happen in my life. I am wise enough to know it will have sh-tty moments, but there will be good stuff too- lot’s of miracles and healed hearts. Stick around. It’s going to get interesting.

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