Journal: #267 I Wanna Walk On Water Too

I Wanna Walk On Water Too

The miracles Jesus performed remain the biggest challenge (and encouragement) to my faith. My favorite is when He turned water into wine. Of all His miracles and displays of God's glory, it is the most unnecessary. Walking on water was epic too. At least a stroll amongst the waves was practical. The wedding party didn't need more alcohol to fuel their celebration.

Then we read of the mercy and faith miracles. The woman who bled, i.e. had a twelve year menstrual cycle, was so desperate and sure. The Roman Centurion knew he wasn't worthy of Jesus, yet he knew Jesus would heal his beloved slave. And then we read of the Canaanite (modern day Lebanese) woman who refused to give up when Jesus said no. Move by her persistence and faith, Jesus acted on her behalf.

When I read through Matthew or Mark, I'm overwhelmed by the shear volume of supernatural power. Then the voice of the judge begins to speak to me. I begin to compare my life to my Savior's. And, I do not measure up. (Newsflash: I never will.)

I know any attempt to compare myself to Jesus is foolish. Moreover, my life is not devoid of the miraculous. Of late, I'm battling the temptation to settle for less as I walk with the Lord. I'll just do my reading and say my prayers. It would be nice if miracles happened, but I don't need them. All lies. I want more. I didn't sign up for an average/miserable walk with the Lord. I did...I did...sign up to walk with Him, wherever it He leads. And, this season is about developing faith and consistency. It's not about excellence or the extraordinary. And still, I trust the visitation, visions, and divine interventions will come.

I'll walk on water one day, in this life or next. In the interim, I want to learn how to shine. I want to learn how to interject love and the Lord's kindness into my life and lives around me. Words are too often underrated. So Father, teach me how to use my words to bring life to the dying and water to the thirsty. May your kingdom advance through me.


Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Abstract: Desire of A Committed Heart


Journal: #266 An Odd Forward Move