Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 7

My interpretation of Psalm 7.

Psalm 7

Dearest Father,

Save me! From this age and culture.

It is a beast, seeking to destroy me.

And if I add to the wickedness and violence, sift me.

Lay all my greed and lusts in the ground, far from my heart and Your presence.

Come Lord, and pour Yourself out on the whole world.

Teach us to love each other as Jesus commanded,

and the whole will know He is real.

For what can we give you?

The earth is Yours, but you want our hearts and minds.

So, I weep for the proud and those who refuse to follow you.

They live and build in vain,

and nothing they do will last beyond a generation or two.

I praise you Lord and my hopes in You.

You preserve me and the work I do.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 6

My interpretation of Psalm 6.

Psalm 6

Have mercy on me Lord.

I know I am worthy of judgment and prison, but I beg you for grace and mercy.

I am grieving and weak.

Save me Jesus,

and be the Savior I know.

I’m exhausted, and I’m tired of weeping.

I reject all the world has to offer, which is little more than addiction and pain.

But, I know the Lord hears me and he will come through.

And the world will know He is God.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 5

My interpretation of Psalm 5.

Psalm 5

Listen to me God,

listen to my cries and pain.

I need You, the only One worthy and true.

I come to You first and always,

in all stages of my life- through grief and joy, when I have much or none.

I give you control of my heart and my steps.

Because, I know Your ways.

You don’t take pleasure in lies, adultery, violence, or bigotry.

No one can flatter or deceive You.

And You lead anyone willing to be led by You.

Though some are wicked and delight in mocking You,

Delight in destroying Your blessings,

I beg You to save them, like You rescued me.

Redeem the love of those who walked away,

and pour Yourself out on those who have never known Your warmth and grace.

For You love all the world and all the those in it.

I pray you turn my enemies into friends, my new brothers in You.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 4

My interpretation of Psalm 4.

Psalm 4

Hear me Lord, I need hope for my struggles.

You’ve it before- given me hope.

But some think I am an idiot for following you, for loving you.

They say my prayers are worthless because evil and hardship exist.

But, I know better.

You love what is good and provide for your people.

You hear me, and I know it.

And I will press onward, and tell my loved ones,

“Wait on the Father and focus on His blessings,

and all He did for us. He will do it again.”

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 3

My interpretation of Psalm 3.


My sorrow has grown.

The world is against You.

Those in power say “trust in us and not a god.”

But, I know better.

You are my rock and my love,

who answers my sorrow with joy.

I will not fear the lies of the enemy or the shame they put on me.

You will bless Your people and be our salvation.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 2

My interpretation of Psalm 2.

Psalm 2

What is wrong with people?!

Why are they mad at the Lord and His people?

I see them rally together, to plot our demise.

But the Father laughs at their efforts and will destroy their plans.

Regardless of what comes, the word of the Father will go forward,

and subdue the enemy.

And all people on this planet, rich or poor, mighty and weak,

must decide to worship Him or perish.

And, I pity those who choose death.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 1

My interpretation of Psalm 1.

Psalm 1

Blessing comes to those who focus on the words, commands, and promises of the Lord,

and to those who don’t listen to the wisdom of the worldly and the critics,

or tangle themselves with the immoral,

or take a seat of judgement.

For those who put the Lord above all else,

and find joy in His love and glory,

will grow stronger.

They will endure harsh seasons, persecution, and even death.

For their foundation is the King and their trust is in Him.

Those whose hope is the Lord will always stand for what is good.

Everything else will fail, in its time.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 150

My interpretation of Psalm 150.

Psalm 150

Praise the Lord,

And worship him everywhere!

Praise Him in His house and in your home,

For His word is good.

Praise Him with shouts and whispers,

claps and silences,

Whatever you do, praise Him with all your might.

And let all creation praise the Lord.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #42 Give Praise How You Give Praise

Worship will always be a willful act of gratitude. Anything else is false. Even and especially for children. As adults, we can ‘fake it till we make it’ because we know that actions can lead to attitude. Children do not. At least, I didn’t. I hated worship until well into my adults years. Each Sunday, when the music hit, I was too concerned with “doing it right.” And, I judged those around me.

The final chapters of the Psalms are encouragements to Praise the Lord. When I was a child this meant performing specific tasks: dancing a certain way, raising hands like a Buddha, and reciting worn out phrases. I was too young to understand what the scripture meant, and I do not advise punishing children to worship the Lord. My parents spared me- for the most part- but most of the kids who were tortured into worship did not stick with it.

Worship will always be a willful act of gratitude. Anything else is false. Even and especially for children. As adults, we can ‘fake it till we make it’ because we know that actions can lead to attitude. Children do not. At least, I didn’t. I hated worship until well into my adults years. Each Sunday, when the music hit, I was too concerned with “doing it right.” And, I judged those around me.

Fortunately, I found freedom in worship and an ability to offer my own praises. My new found liberty shined a new light on the final chapters of the Psalms, because they slapped. For the first time, I saw them not as a formula to please God, but an invitation to remember His goodness. I won’t dance across a stage or in an isle, but I will sing to him on my walks, and write and cook for Him. I will thank him for delicious cheeses and crunchy pecans, and offer a prayer for every gorgeous sunset. And when my loved ones suffer, and He heals them, I’ll never forget who I prayed to.

I believe the most important aspect of worship is authenticity. Going through the motions isn’t the worst idea. Sometimes we just need to start before our thoughts/emotions fall in line. That’s real. But, at some point in the process, conviction must take the reins- where words become truth and truth becomes worship. God is good, all the time. His blessings are real, all the time. Even at our lowest moments, He was there to love us through it.

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all. Eat something good and enjoy the day.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 149

My interpretation of Psalm 149.

Psalm 149

Praise the Lord!

Shake, laugh, and sing!

Invent your own way to praise our God!

And let the whole world know the Joy of knowing Jesus.

Dance, paint, write, and kick,

do what you must,

For the Lord takes pleasure in His people.

He will rescue the defenseless,

and lift them to safety.

Wherever you are in life,

be it young and alive,

or old and close to the end,

remember what He has done for you and proclaim His goodness.

And may our words tower over every country and people,

that they would know the Mercy and Glory of the Lord.

Praise the Lord.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 148

My interpretation of Psalm 148.

Psalm 148

Praise God!

From heaven and the earth.

For the Lord set the world a spinning,

And determined its history.

All the universe works to His glory,

the whales and shrimp,

wind and snow,

The snow-capped mountains and rushing rivers,

peach trees and dandelions,

to the sandy deserts and grassy plains.

All the cattle and soaring eagles.

Yes, all of the Earth testifies to His wonder,

And one day every person, past and present,

will kneel:

Presidents and peasants,

slaves and slave owners,

old men and children,

widows and orphans,

addicts and drug dealers,

black and white,

ignorant and educated,

They will know and praise the Lord.

For He is worthy.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 147

My interpretation of Psalm 147.

Psalm 147

Praise the Lord,

Our souls rise and our minds are set at ease when we do.

He builds us,

Remembers the outcast,

Heals the broken-hearted,

And lifts the poor in spirit.

Ultimately, He is for us!

(He will judge those who reject Him, no worries.)

For this is the same God who named all the stars,

formed our planet,

made seeds to grow into trees,

and he is not impressed with our pride or anger.

What he longs for is our attention and devotion, our love and affection.

So, to all of us who have known the Goodness of the Lord,

Praise Him because He is the worthy one.

And let pray and bless those who do not know Him,

and those who walked away.

He loves them too.

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