Journal: #237 Ordinary Miracles Part 2

I promised a part two of Ordinary Miracles, and here it is…


The belief and ability to hear the Lord speak is a miracle, which depends on how we define the word miracle. For my purpose I define a miracle as a supernatural event. A supernatural event is any time our natural world collides with Him. He is not “natural.”

Miracles often have lasting effects i.e. the resurrection of Jesus. Regardless of your point of view it changed the world. Of course, a Christian like me would say that, so I’ll offer another less obvious miracle: Paul’s assertion we are all one in Christ. The case can be made the modern day idea of equality comes from Paul, particularly Galatians 3:28 and Colossians 3:11. He tore down gender, economic, and ethnic lines in poetic verse. No one prior to Paul made such a bold claim.

Back to miracles…They happen. And the more I look for them, the more I find. Last summer, when pressed by my then business partner, I agreed to end our partnership and relinquish my ownership. I didn’t know what was next. I didn’t have a plan. But, I did have faith. A month or so later, I called a friend to go for a short hike around Redding. As we walked through the woods I gave him all the details of my failed partnership (and separate romantic relationship.) Then he asked, “what are you doing now?” In truth, I picked up a few odd marketing jobs but nothing substantial. With all the confidence I had, I told him exactly that. I was now in marketing and looking for work.

A few minutes later, I had more work. It’s the job I have now. A job I was not qualified to have, but has blessed me beyond comprehension. It’s great to work with people who believe in me. And when I went to meet my friend it never occurred to me he could offer me work. Not even once. It’s a miracle.

And now, back to ordinary miracles, specifically the prophetic. Make no mistake, God talks to his kids. The problem with the prophetic is we are often wrong, blind, or biased. We insert our voice for His, miss what He’s saying, or skew the message to fit our vision. It will always be this way. To improve our ability to hear God is to listen requires courage. Somethings we can’t hear until we aren’t ready to accept them. My personal example is I tend to hang onto women for far too long. I want the Lord to tell me it’s going to work out with whoever just broke up with me. The truth is I will end up marrying going some wonderful woman.

Issues aside, the Lord still speaks and His voice is kind. I forget how special it is. Thousands of years later, He still wants to walk and talk with us. The Divine Good conversing with human of time and space. I don’t want to lose site of what is really happening. Part of the process is remaining faith when I miss the message- when I superimpose my will or desires over His. Additionally, I want to continue to write down every single word He gives me, because I want to partner with Him to reel them in. Far too often I fallen into a sort of Christian fortune-telling experience, as if I don’t participate in my life. Fate isn’t real.

I conclude by saying I want to remain grateful for every moment with Jesus. Entitlement is a killer. I’m not entitled to anything. The fact I hear the voice of God on a daily basis is special. I want to nurture and grow it each day.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Journal: #238 Finding My Way Back


Abstract: He Is Me