Vol II: #51 Praying for Ukraine

Right now, a dictator is slowly moving his pieces on the board, eating up chunks of Ukraine as he goes. While the West scrambles to respond, the former KGB agent is playing chess while we act like it’s a game of go fish. Vladimir Putin is wiser and more evil than any of his communist predecessors. He learned from Hitler to be patient instead of rash- to wait for elections in countries given to popular swings in policy. He’s not going anywhere, safe in the knowledge that Biden is on the clock. The warnings were given by 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney and the late great General Colin Powell. They were laughed at then ignored*. And now, and for who knows how long, we’ve got a real shit show on our hands.

See, while Americans bitch about masks and vaccines, Putin is planning a take over of Eastern Europe. And up till now, he’s taken little bits of various eastern bloc countries. And, why not? Russia suffered no real consequences from its interference in British and US elections. What’s taking land from Georgia or seizing Crimea? In truth, it’s everything. Criminal minds start small and expand once they become confident they can take more. Putin going to spread his special brand of tyranny all over Europe, and he’ll take it one mile at a time. He’s in no rush.

President Bush saw this coming. Even though he smiled and talked warmly of Putin, Mr. Bush also pushed for a missile defense system in the Czech Republic. President Obama scrapped the plan as paranoid, though they would later deny this claim. Last year the Czech Republic finally signed a deal with Israel on a defense system though it won’t be completed for some time. Too little too late to save Ukraine, but still worth doing. Putin won’t stop with Ukraine. We best be ready.

What chaps my ass is how blind people are to real-world dangers. Crazy conservatives believe Hollywood sacrifices babies and liberals are scared of people without masks. Meanwhile, the planet is about to boil due to climate change(greed) and Vladimir Putin continues to inflict pain on everyone he rules (Not to mention China’s ever-expanding reach and subjugation of developing countries.) We have our heads so far up our own asses we can’t see what’s really happening in the world. But, I will not fear what’s in the world.

Yes. I’m pissed about what’s happening in Ukraine. First and foremost, my heart goes out to people who just want to rule themselves. They deserve as much. They deserve to live in a country untainted by threats on journalists and violent abuse of the LBGT community. I know our weak President will not respond with strength or swift action. So, I put all of my faith and energy into the hands of the Lord. He loves the Ukrainian people, and being ruled by Russia is not His plan for them.

It no longer matters who was right or wrong. We need a miracle. Ukraine needs a miracle. And, I will pray they have it.

*And don’t forget that ding-dong Trump. He was Putin’s lap dog for the last four years. He called Putin a “good guy” and never said a bad thing about the man. To be fair, both Democrats and Republicans are at fault when it comes to how we’ve let Putin get away with literal murder. It just sucks that Biden is terrified to be strong when we need it most.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol II: #52 Keep Calm, Carry On


Vol II: #50 The Hopeful Idiot