Journal: #233 What Is New Life?

What Is New Life

While I prayed late Tuesday evening, the Lord told me I, “have new life. Like you’ve never seen before.” It’s the type of statement most of us want to hear, but I’ve taught myself to reject. What does “new life” even mean? It’s a very Christian-ese thing to say along with “suddenlies” and “new levels.” I don’t know what those statements really mean either. I believe the intent of the person speaking them is to imbue the recipient with hope for the future. If the Lord does work in sudden movements and swift “promotions,” I have yet to see it. The Holy Spirit I know is patient and methodical.

Still, I don’t have much time for cynicism. I wrote no lies when I said “the Holy Spirit I know is patient and methodical,” but that doesn’t mean He limited to my experience. Perhaps sudden life changes and promotions are a thing. My life experience has taught me to work and grow. When I do follow that path, doors open. Showing up to my life, ready to be me is the only way forward. Again, it’s not the only way.

Let me get back to what the Lord said Tuesday night. I accept new life, whatever it may be. I accept it because the Lord told me it was coming. My problem is I have no idea what He’s talking about. New life how? When? In what area of life? Will I even notice? I hope I do.

I want to approach this moment with an open heart and mind. “New life” could mean anything. It could be related to something specific to one area of my life, or my life in general. It could be a relationship, although I think this is about me. It might be new life in my heart or mind. The Lord draw me a map with instructions on the back. Regardless, I win receive what the Father says and water it with prayer.

I heard a man I respect once say he treasured his words from Jesus, which was a completely new concept to me. He spoke as if the words the Lord gave him were seeds planted in his heart in need of water and sun. I have mostly viewed the prophetic as modern day fortune-telling- people trying to predict the future. (Very inaccurately.) This particular minister partners with the Lord to bring the words to pass. That’s what I want to do.

So…here I am. Ready for new life, and working the ground till it comes.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Abstract: Mount Lassen


Journal: #232 He Loves Us