Daily Journal: #88 Create and Destroy

In my mind 20’s, I had a dream the Lord gave me several gifts, among them a paint brush and a hammer. At the time I understood these gifts to be related to what my life would be- destroying evil and creating life. And until yesterday I had no idea how I would do either. Until yesterday, the dream was only a dream from years ago.

What Kind of Christian am I?

Yesterday as I wrote my blog post (Coming Full Circle), I connected thoughts and ideas I didn’t previously connect. I’ve always seen Christianity divided between conservative yet miraculous Christianity and liberal justice oriented Christianity. I discussed two of my heroes- Smith Wigglesworth and MLK Jr as an example of this divide. But…what if that doesn’t need to be the case? What if I can live a life of love, miracles, and justice? That’s what Jesus did.

In truth, Christians who focus on the social justice aspects of Jesus’ life aren’t wrong. Jesus championed the marginalized groups- the poor, the widows, the refugees, women, children, etc. He even went after the Pharisees when their rigid laws forced widows into poverty:

They devour the houses of widows and, as a pretext, recite lengthy prayers. They will receive a very severe condemnation.

- Mark 12:40 NABRE

The big disconnect I see is when people try to use Jesus for political purposes. Jesus loved and fought for people, not a particular party or ideology. He was about His Father’s business. Jesus was not a capitalist, Democrat, socialist, or American. He is the Messiah doing the work of the Kingdom. If I know anything about the Heart of God is that it is flexible and patient. It is not a system.

On the other hand we have what tend to be more conservative Christian who dare to believe in a create miraculous God. We are crazy enough to believe God talks to us, heals the sick, and can even defeat death. We tend to hold scripture close and discourage loose interpretations of it. Of course, the earth was created in a mere six days.

This brand of Christianity doesn’t have room for evolution or socialized medicine (in America.) They seem quite content with a private company deciding your health care fate. (It’s more noble?) The saving grace of these Christians is they do create room for Jesus to be Jesus, and this is key. Jesus is not dead, and all His promises are as real and alive as they were the moment He spoke them into existence.

I have felt a need to pick between the two groups, and yesterday as I wrote I realized that’s a false choice. No, I do not need to pick between the two. I can believe and expect miracles and supernatural love AND fight for the rights of immigrants and addicts. I don’t have to choose between two parts of the same heart.

Create and Destroy

I consider it joy to be able to walk in the fullness of the Lord. I don’t have to choose between power and love, miracles and justice. Back in July I asked the Lord for more, and I feel like He’s giving it to me. To be clear, I want it all. In this life, don’t want to leave anything on the table.

The best part of yesterday was the peace that came with knowing what I will walk toward. Usually I get overwhelmed by such thoughts and feelings. Who am I? I’m not worthy. I’d define my state of being as relieved, calm, and ready. I know whatever my life is become will happen one day at a time, so I don’t need to project the future or force it.

I got to this point by intentionally sitting with Jesus one day at a time, by getting up every morning to go walk with Him. My future is based on the same intention. I don’t have to be Bob Jones, CS Lewis, Smith Wigglesworth, or MKL Jr. (Too many Christians in my circle focus on mantels and claiming spiritual “anointing”. I don’t get it.) I get to be Nik. I am called to be Nik. I embrace that, to create and destroy, to love and defend, to partner with Jesus and do the work I see Him doing.

Prayer for October 15th

Lord, thank you for this Thursday in October. Thank you for the great weather, the peace of the skies, and your Kindness. My heart is heavy for my friends. Bless them and continue to pour out your love and grace on their lives.

I lay down my burdens and desire to you. I ask for focus to do my work and do it with excellence. I accept Your peace and love, grace and hope. I give you my heart, mind, body, and spirit.

Your will be done in me and through me today.


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Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Daily Journal: #89 Settling into the Moment


Daily Journal: #87 Coming Full circle