Journal: #203 New Goals

During my second stroll of the day, I thought about new goals. I’m fresh off hitting my last round of 45 day goal. “It’s time to up the ante,” I thought. Goals need to be hard yet achievable, at least that’s what people in the Goal Setting business say. I’ll add my contribution with this; in addition to challenging yet doable, goals need to be interesting.

Motivated to Do

I have a history of setting goals I didn’t have motivation to hit. One salient example is reading. While I love to read I am motivated to read in spurts. I bend toward non-fiction books which requires brain space to process. Fiction, on the other hand, tends to disappoint me. I’d rather watch the movie. It is what it is. Accordingly, I stopped making it a goal to read a certain number of books every year.

Only took me 20 years to figure it out.

Doable but challenging

My new goals are practical and in line with the direction my life is heading. They are:

  1. Pay off my tuition to BSSM in the next 45 days. This assumes Uncle Sam will mail me another stimulus check. If so, I’m on the hook for $2500. It’s a tall task, but I’m up for it.

  2. Write a poem every other day for a total of 23 poems in the same period. I like my poetry, and want to write more of it.

  3. Draw or sketch something, no matter what it is, every other day for a total of 23 drawings. Of the three goals, this one seems to be most daunting. It will require me to do instead of judge. I need to allow myself to play and enjoy what I’m doing rather than focus on technique and style.

But Wait, There’s More

In addition to these goal, I want to keep walking 10k+ step every day, personal journaling, and blogging. I set a goal of 340 blogs over the course of my first year. This blog will be 203/340. I’ve got exactly 150 days to write 137 more Journal posts.

In retrospect, I wish I set my goal at 330 posts. I’d like to take Sundays off to rest my mind, which I will do starting in April. This first year of writing is one the most wonderful of my life, and I look forward to year two. I’m planning to reduce the number of blogs, focus on grammar, and use some software tools to help me stay organized. For now I’ve got to push through to hit my original goal.

My personal journaling is something I don’t discuss…because it’s personal. Of everything I do, it’s the most vital. The journal is where I write to the Lord, and I will do whatever it takes to keep the conversation alive. I don’t have a set goal per se, only to show up, be honest, and listen.

That’s not entirely true. The Lord has given me a few task to do. I’ll tell you about one.

Words Are Powerful

Early this year the Lord told be He was going to teach me how to live from the Spirit. He said He was going to show me how to align my heart with His Spirit. So we started with specific to me affirmations. Last year, around this time, I began to proclaim some of the basic over myself- I am loved. I am worthy of love. Etc. This time the Lord asked me to say affirmations like I am a great artist. I am a great poet. (Admitting this publicly is tough.)

Jesus talked about the power of what we speak into this world. The tongue is a sword with two blades, and it cuts both ways. We can “move mountains” and “defile” ourselves. I spent most of my life defiling myself and limiting what was possible. Those days are finished. If the mountains are going to move, I’ve first got to believe they will move.

Of all my goals, this is more important than money or drawings. Positive confession over my life and heart makes everything possible. When I say I am a great poet I create a world where that is possible. When I whisper I love you Lord I remind myself of what’s important to me.

The Lord is asking me and instructing me on how to be me. It’s pretty sweet.

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Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Abstract: Race To The Top, Not For Me


Abstract: My Audience Of One