Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #321 What Judgement Free Can Be

Slow and steady wins this race, and the one tomorrow. I’m not going to fail myself today regardless of how today ends. I asked the Lord to help me eliminate the judgemental voices in my head, and He’s doing it. Through a combination of grace and gratitude, I’ve kept my cool. I love it. If this is my future I’m excited.

My day began slowly today. I got up late, decided to skip going to the trails, and went for a short walk in my neighborhood. Due to work meetings, I had to shift my normal morning routine. For example, I am writing this post at 2 pm PST— when I prefer to write earlier in the day. I haven’t done yoga or finished my work. (Two projects are due today.) And yet…and yet…I’m cool as the underside of the pillow. It’s unusual. I’m typically in a frantic rush to appease all the voices. But not today, not right now.

Slow and steady wins this race, and the one tomorrow. I’m not going to fail myself today regardless of how today ends. I asked the Lord to help me eliminate the judgemental voices in my head, and He’s doing it. Through a combination of grace and gratitude, I’ve kept my cool. I love it. If this is my future I’m excited.

(Correspondingly, I do not feel the need to make this post a certain length. I love that too.)

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Enjoy The Grind

I’m one of the lucky ones, blessed to live without obligations to a wife or children.

I can take risks and change direction midstream.

As I have.

I realize my advantage, and I will honor it.

It seems to me, for the people who love what they do,

they love the grind of the process and as a result the process demands little of them.

It’s not work- they soul-sucking kind—if you enjoy it.

It’s why every single job has someone who is happy and many who are not.

None of us were born to file files, write emails, or organize shelves.

No child has yet to answer “I wanna be a customer service representative for a shitty cable company” when they grow up.

High school kids are not prepared to punch a clock simply to wait for the day to end.

No mid-level manager is thrilled by presentations or report computations.

I’m one of the lucky ones, blessed to live without obligations to a wife or children.

I can take risks and change direction midstream.

As I have.

I realize my advantage, and I will honor it.

My task is to find what I will enjoy, even in the grind.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Race To The Top, Not For Me

Read the books and blogs,

Listen to that podcast,

Honesty and vulnerable discussion,

Just another marketing mask.

A is for excellence,

F is for failure.

More money is better than no money.

Better stand up tall, better be tall.

Test scores, and final scores.

Only champions and class presidents need apply.

Qualified candidates, and competitive admissions.

Most votes wins, second place is an eternal loser.

Climb the ladder, reach for the top,

The grind for best, first, and always,

Never, ever, stops.

KPIs, and data analytics,

Dashboards, and quotas,

Sales goals,

Quarterly reports,

And dividend yields.

Attendance, and follows,

Views, and engagement,

Commodity influence,

To be all of the above.

Read the books and blogs,

Listen to that podcast,

Honesty and vulnerable discussion,

Just another marketing mask.

Be better,

Do better.


No place to rest,

To live,

To be.

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