Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol IV: #4 Thoughts And Observations of Colombia

As I wrote yesterday, Colombia was wonderful. It’s far from a perfect country, but I believe in its future. And, I want to write one more post about my trip as a way of documenting my experience and processing what I encountered.

As I wrote yesterday, Colombia was wonderful. It’s far from a perfect country, but I believe in its future. And, I want to write one more post about my trip as a way of documenting my experience and processing what I encountered.

1) The Colombians I met were generous and kind. In my view, I can offer no higher compliment of a people or nation.

2) The women of Colombia are a different type of women*. For starters, they work. I saw lady cops and armed military guards. They deliver food and hock coffee in the street. And they hustle tourists for a few pesos at a time. What I found to be common, was the women of Colombia didn’t appear to be furthering the feminist cause. Rather, they simple stepped up when needed. War tends to drain a country of its young men(not to mention displaced people and destruction), and these women have played a huge role in rebuilding Colombia.

3) I don’t know how to say what I’m about to say, but here it goes: The produce in Colombia is just better. I nearly cried when I bit into a small peach, not because it was delicious but because it’s rare to find anything peach as yummy in the America. You name the fruit or veggie and I guarantee it tasted better in Colombia. And I hate admitting it. I don’t want to be that douche bag^, but I’d be lying otherwise. We’ve got to do something about our food system in the US. We’ve been boiled like frogs, and you only taste it when you go outside our borders.

4) Number four isn’t so much about Colombia as it is about a benefit of travel: I love being shut off from US news and the endless parade of fear/woke ideology. It’s as though all the conflict is gone for a few days and I can breath easier. I know it’s a fake bubble, but I enjoy it all the same.

5) Getting back to food…the variety of food, mainly fruits, is outstanding. They say Colombia is land of eternal spring due to the weather, and I believe them. I believe I could eat my way from one side of Colombia to the other, trying new foods every single day.

6) Colombia looks like a developing country but acts like a a developed country. Yes, wages are low in comparison the US or Canada. And yes, you’ll see people in the mountains hauling lumber and rocks by mule, but these people are connected and dialed in. And they are ready for the future.

*Yes, Colombian women are very beautiful. They also appear to put effort into how they look.

#In regards to better tasting produce, it’s possible in the US. Just this week I’ve eaten cucumbers and tomatoes from a local garden. They are fantastic. The cucumbers are slightly sweet and earthy while the tomatoes remind me of what a tomato ought to be- rich, acidic, slightly floral, sweet yet savory. Very dynamic. I’ve not lost hope, but my faith in my local grocery options is now at an all time low.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #137 Friday Thoughts

Today, I feel content for the first time in a while. While not absent of conflicting emotions, I decided to enjoy it. That’s my reward for enduring the low moments. As promised by Paul in his letter to the church in Galatia.

This week was a week of triumph. I faced some fears and insecurity, kept my eyes on Him and my feet on the road. Every day didn’t feel like a win, but I persevered and did the things it took took win.

Today, I feel content for the first time in a while. While not absent of conflicting emotions, I decided to enjoy it. That’s my reward for enduring the low moments. As promised by Paul in his letter to the church in Galatia. (I love seeing the promises of scripture fulfilled in my life.)

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

- Galatians 6:9


I’ll end this short post with a few of my meditations from this week:

  1. The woman with “an issue of blood” from Mark 5 is a hero. She suffered her condition for over a decade. It cost her everything. Yet, she reached for Jesus. Her faith forever a part of our faith.

  2. I don’t think heaven is a place with houses and streets and clouds. If I had to guess, I’d say heaven is one eternal moment of oneness with God. It will be far greater than we can fathom.

  3. I don’t want dead religion or philosophy. Either God is real as are the miraculous events, and love beyond measure. Or…this is cold empty universe and life in inherently meaningless. Since God is real, I want it all.

  4. Over the last month I’ve watched a lot of Christian leaders walk in deception. It’s not intentional, so I want to honor them in their error. And I pray I stay connected to the Holy Spirit and loyal to the Lord more than any party, government, or politician.

Happy Friday.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

DJ: #74 Stream of Conscious Thought

Regardless, I feel backed up. This month has been a continual roller-coaster of emotion and progress. I want to relent, to breath, and maybe relax. I long to let go of the future and the past. Lord, I just want to exist in this moment with You.

All I really wanna do is everything and nothing. I wanna get my work done and do nothing. I wanna sit in a dark room and watch movies I’ve seen a dozen times, eat pizza and fall asleep until May. I also want to do none of that, because I know it’ll lead to shame and guilt and withdrawal. Something feels off, and I don’t know what it is. I’m making good choices. Despite my insecurity I continue to practice love and grace.

Regardless, I feel backed up. This month has been a continual roller-coaster of emotion and progress. I want to relent, to breath, and maybe relax. I long to let go of the future and the past. Lord, I just want to exist in this moment with You.

I pride myself on knowing my emotions, motivations, and desires. But today isn’t that day. I’m also becoming aware of several mental habits I have when I’m hurting. I look for someone to blame. I pick imaginary fights with people I feel justified fighting. It’s like I need to place on my pain on someone so I can battle it. Like it needs a face. If I feel attacked or belittled, I conjure a person who did those things and argue with them.

I have a deadline today and two meetings. I want to implode them all. So…I’m just going to take this one task at a time.

1) Finish this blog, edit, and publish.

2) Complete Project scope/timeline for customer.

3) Meet with Nic.

4) Go eat tacos with Nathan.

That’s what I’m gonna do because I don’t let my emotions determine my worth or choices.

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