Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

A: Is the Sun Silent

I closed my eyes to push the tears down my face.

No. He doesn’t care about quality or pedigree. And, I am not alone.

He hugs my heart, speaks wisdom to my mind, and purpose to my soul.

This is light and life.

I sat on the dewy grass to stare at the sun as it set beyond the mountains.

Another day nearly done.

I wondered if the sun makes sound.

After all, it is a firey ball of exploding gases.

Or perhaps is works in silence as it showers us with light and life?

My thoughts faded as it dipped below the mountain tops.

And as the last glimpses of the day held on, my mind turned to God.

For a few cold moments, I felt abandoned.


To know God, to have faith, and still to doubt.

This is human.

Lord, where are you? I asked in a whisper.

Finally, I heard His voice.

I am here, He whispered back.

I feel empty. Like a failure. Again.

His answer surprised me.

I asked you to stay with Me, and you did.

You continue to show up. And, I’m proud of you.

I do not measure you with a ruler and checked boxes.

I do not judge you by your failures or careless words.

I relish your open heart and you honor Me with your dedication.

This is your success.

Now, finish whatever you start.

Do not fear the middle of the trip.

And do not look to the next step, rather focus your heart and mind to task at hand.

I closed my eyes to push the tears down my face.

No. He doesn’t care about my quality or pedigree. And, I am not alone.

He hugs my heart, cleanses my mind, and gifts my soul with purpose.

This is the sound of eternal Light and Life.

He is no silent Son.

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