Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #214 I Have A Wonderful Life

I strolled through the last seven years of my life yesterday. It took me nearly an hour to go through all the pictures and videos. (Thank God for pictures. Thank God for video and high capacity digital storage.) Like anyone, I forget the blessings and grace on my life. It’s too easy to focus on what isn’t instead of what is, what has been.

I strolled through the last seven years of my life yesterday. It took me nearly an hour to go through all the pictures and videos. (Thank God for pictures. Thank God for video and high capacity digital storage.) Like anyone, I forget the blessings and grace on my life. It’s too easy to focus on what isn’t instead of what is, what has been.

In the last seven years I:

  1. Moved from the southeast to California, site unseen. I did that on faith the Lord would catch me. Nothing more.

  2. I met and continue to meet the very best kind of people. (Too many people to name or picture.)

  3. I’ve traveled across America including: around California, Texas, Nashville, Oregon, Virginia, and the Carolinas.

  4. I’ve eaten some of the best food in the history of mankind. If I could export real Chinese food to my fellow Americans I would. Everyone needs to savor Peking Duck at least once.

  5. I climbed the peak of Mt Lassen…by myself.

  6. I started a pop-up restaurant and was a partner in another restaurant startup.

  7. I’ve seen the resurrection of marriages and birth of babies.

  8. I’ve watched my nephews and niece grow.

  9. My relationship with my parents is better than ever.

  10. I got to be the officiant at one of my best friend’s wedding.

  11. Just before that wedding, I watched Bill Murray kiss the bride to be at the rehearsal dinner.

  12. I discovered and developed my love of nature and hiking.

  13. I’ve taken risk and failed. More often than not, the Lord caught me and set me right again.

  14. I dated quality women.

  15. I’ve supported my friends and family through death.

  16. I found loving community when I was sick.

  17. I learned what faith is and how to trust the Lord.

  18. I learned how to pray and listen.

  19. I rediscovered grit and learned to tune out the judges in my head.

This is barely a list of everything awesome and amazing about the last seven years. It would be a long list.

The most enduring and meaningful constant throughout my life is the Lord. Between the smiles and delicious meals were serious bouts of depression, self-hatred, and loneliness. He steadied my feet and met me in the back allies of my life. I was never truly alone.

And now, at this very moment, I stand on the edge of myself. Most of the last seven years I did not dare be me. I tried to be someone else. Last summer I was set free in the midst of sorrow and rejection. It was the Lord’s greatest gift. He used my tragedies to show me who I was and the direction I should go.

I have no room for regret or resentment. All things work together for good. I’m excited about my life and where it’s headed. Thank you Lord. For everything. I have a wonderful life.

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