Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: The Gospel on the Mountain Side

Remember my vow: The Spirit is with you,

where you go,

I am also.

To my family, my friends, and my enemies:

When you’re broken and ashamed,

groping in the shadows,

Even then, you are blessed.

Reach for the Father, and you will find Him.

On every occasion of grief,

when life brings you to snot and tears,

The goodness is coming.

To those who are kind and soft spoken,

and the world judges you as weak,

Your gift is this Earth.

It was made for you.

And to those who can’t breath without me,

I got you.

To the compassionate among you,

those led by your heart,

clinging to hope…

My gift is more.

More Love.

More Hope.

Finally, to you who desire peace above all else,

I call you children of my Father.

For you are as He is.

When the time comes,

(And it will),

When the storms march in,

the winds howl and all the world laughs at you because you trust Me…

Remember my vow: The Spirit is with you,

where you go,

I am also.

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