Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #222 I Miss My Trails

The sad part, in my opinion, is South Carolina is a beautiful state. No one seems to care. Trash, billboards, and signs clutter the landscape. Yesterday I went for a walk down by the Congaree River in West Columbia. I couldn’t look in any direction without seeing a light, a sidewalk, a sign- something man made. It’s as though the people have to impose their will on the land.

If you read this blog, you know I love my walks in the woods. I’ve always appreciated them and the numerous miles of trails Redding has to offer. Lately, I’ve missed them.

What I want to do is complain. I want to blog about how much I dislike the southern disposition. I want to use facts and figures to prove how I’m right. California has an acre of park for every twenty acres of land. South Carolina has one acre of park for every hundred of land. Did you know that?

The sad part, in my opinion, is South Carolina is a beautiful state. No one seems to care. Trash, billboards, and signs clutter the landscape. Yesterday I went for a walk by the Congaree River in West Columbia. I couldn’t look in any direction without seeing a light, a sidewalk, a sign- something man made. It’s as though the people have to impose their will on the land.

Complaining doesn’t do any good. It’s not going to change the how people in South Carolina view land or preservation of that land. I’m not going to tuck tail and run back to California just because I can’t go for walks in the woods on a regular basis. Although, it does grate on me.

I love having the opportunity to stay with my parents at this time. And, the environment matters. I don’t love Charlotte for similar reasons, and I do not look forward to a a trip to Durham next week. I need to find a way to rise above it. I need to be able to over the environments I’m in.

Any process begins with belief, so I will start with believing I can enjoy being in Columbia. It’s not a shit hole. I will ask the Lord to show me the hidden glory in the city, and I will seek it out. This yet another place to trust the Lord. He knows I love California, it’s untouched spaces.

I refuse to act powerless or forgotten. There is joy to be found in Columbia, South Carolina. And that’s that.

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