Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #212 Happy Monday

I amazed at how easy I slip into the future, forgoing the joy of the day. Everything I want is on the other side of tomorrow. And, not one bit of it is going to arrive ahead of schedule. What I am experiencing is a form of self-pity, because I’ve got a really good life.

Today was one of those disorienting days where I feel simultaneously lost and directionless. I knows it’s not true. I know it’s just a day, and tomorrow will come. The sun will rise and I will move forward.

I amazed at how easy I slip into the future, forgoing the joy of the day. Everything I want is on the other side of tomorrow. And, not one bit of it is going to arrive ahead of schedule. What I am experiencing is a form of self-pity, because I’ve got a really good life.

So, for the rest of this post, I’m going to give specific thanks for all the blessings and awesomeness in my life:

  1. My parents are amazing people. They are old, and as my mother recently noted “have funky ways.” But, they are accommodating and generous. They are my biggest fans. They rejoice in my success and cry with me when life sucks. I wouldn’t be me without them.

  2. My friends are the finest people on the planet. Today on Instagram a well-known ministered made a series of posts about friendships, and what the quality of our friendships say about us. I laughed, because I’m rich. So rich. My friend are the get in the foxhole and fight for you kind of people. They have walked with me through addictions and poor choices, emergency room visits and a multitude of address changes.

  3. The Lord absolutely loves me. If God were some sonofabitch god, I’d be dead for my sins and flaws. I’m thankful to say that’s not Him. He cheers me on through my self-pity and walks with me when I think I’m alone. Whatever shame or doubt I feel, it’s not from Him.

I could go on but I’ll stop. I’m blessed beyond measure. Yes, the big dreams are still to be completed, but I’m going to enjoy getting there. Happy Monday.

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