Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #226 Self Grace

I typed out a whole blog about routine and creativity. It was shit. Totally rubbish. I’m not even sure why I bothered to write it. The words were devoid of meaning. It’s like I was writing to satisfy some need to post a blog. Blah.

I typed out a whole blog about routine and creativity. It was shit. Totally rubbish. I’m not even sure why I bothered to write it. The words were devoid of meaning. It’s like I was writing to satisfy some need to post a blog. Blah.

What a waste of my time.

So, instead of meaningless words, I’ll repent and say: I shall not do that again. If I’m tired and out of mental space. I’ll just skip the post for the evening.

I know why I wrote what I wrote. It’s my need to satisfy the goals in my head. If I miss an unplanned day, then I’m behind the ball, and if I’m behind then I’m not dedicated. And if I’m not dedicated than I’m a failure. So really, I spent 30 minutes writing nothing to prove I’m not a failure. AHHHHHHH.

How many time will I have to tell myself I am loved and worthy of love? His grace covers me and does not end? I am enough? I don’t have to prove anything to anyone?

Thanks you Lord for reminding me. Yes. I am enough. I can give myself grace to be tired. Amen.

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