Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #182 Smile At Pain, Carry On

Whatever life is or is not, what we do with it is thing. I wasn’t very good at responding to life when it got rough. I relish the opportunity to laugh at it now.

My brain is fried. I spent 15 hours over the last two days because my web developer decided to split. So that’s cool. The deadline for the project was yesterday, but I got it mostly finished. The customer is annoyed but will be happy. Sometimes it be like that.

On top of work frustrations, I received some shitty news about someone I love. Sometimes it be like that. I am sad for them but all I can do (literally) is pray, love, and support them. But…that’s not all. This moment- the isolation, the work crap, the personal shit- would’ve taken me down a few years ago.

Not today Satan. Today, it does not be like that.

Instead of being focused on the difficult aspects of my life on this cool January evening, I choose to look at what’s going right. Tonight I’m going to celebrate being of half way to some of my goals, short-term and long-term.

  1. This is overdue, but this blog post is my 182nd as I push for 330 by July 11th. I started blogging on that date in 2020 not knowing where this would lead. I didn’t know I’d fall in love with this process. I have roughly 170 days to write the next 148 posts. I’m stoked.

  2. As of today, I am 25 day into my 45 consecutive days goal of 10k+ steps per day. The true goal is to smash 45 days.

  3. And, I am 28 days into a 45 day goal of consecutive blogging. I think…my consecutive day streak is in the mid 30’s. I should smash that.

Plus, I’m super stoked about the wire sculptures I started creating. No goal there. Only joy and holy pleasure.

Whatever life is or is not, what we do with it is thing. I wasn’t very good at responding to life when it got rough. I relish the opportunity to laugh at it now.

Love y’all.

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