Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: He’s Not Me

His thoughts are not my thoughts,

His declarations and promises never revoked,

and His love is the optimistic-faith kind of love.

he's not me

Somedays I wish the Lord hated me the way I hate me,

one eye on what I did wrong, the other on what I haven’t done at all.

I wish He’d level me with His judgement,

and declare my soul inept.

But, that fucker* doesn’t do it.

I know.

I’m not suppose to refer to the Lord,

Creator of All,

Prince of Peace,

as a fucker.

I’m not suppose to hate myself either,

but here we are,

driving our way through all types of new territory.

Of course, Jesus is not a fucker,

or hater,

or judger,

or condemner.

I am those things.

I write people off,

places I don’t like,

and crappy restaurants.

I’m the fucker,

I’m the imperfect vision of heaven.

And for all my vulgarity and bravado,

He’s still my friend, my strength, and my God.

His thoughts are not my thoughts,

His declarations and promises never revoked,

and His love is the optimistic-faith kind of love.

It never fails or stops trying,

It’s kind, patient, and generous.

Even when I am none of those things,

He is forever who He is,

the true and great I Am.

*I don’t ask anyone to understand why I cuss in my writing. Please respect it. In my view, the last thing the world needs is another safe/sterile Christian unwilling to talk about their low points and frustrations in real language.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Welcome Alien Brothers

Regardless of what the truth is about foreign life forms they are still subject to the One,

The great I Am,

Our Eternal Father.

If this be the case, they are our brothers and sisters too.

No less deserving of love, kindness, or affection.

What if aliens are real?

Grey people with wide black eyes,

And the ability to travel across the universe in ways we can only imagine.

My real “what if” is more of a ‘what does,’

As in ‘what does this mean about God?’

My God.

The Creator of my world and yours.

My fear assumes they will preach a gospel of a-theism,

And plunge our Earth into theological chaos.

Or perhaps, just mine.

My fear produces many assumptions without fact or reason.

If God is God, maker of the heavens and Earth,

The sun and moon, stars and physics,

He’s their God too.

Perhaps they know Him in ways we don’t.

It’s more likely, the alien beings are as diverse and divided as the human beings on this planet.

If the Lord made them, as He created us, they can choose life or death,

Love or pride. Peace or shame.

Perhaps they had a Garden of Perfection, an Adam and an Eve,

A serpent and a liar.

Yes. Any person in this universe knows evil is real and seeking who it may devour.

By chance, maybe, they do not know sin.

And all their progress, is the result of creative pursuits,

Springing from hearts and minds untethered to grief or pain.

Regardless of what the truth is about foreign life forms they are still subject to the One,

The great I Am,

Our Eternal Father.

If this is true, they are our brothers and sisters too.

No less deserving of love, kindness, or affection.

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