Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Journal: #198 It Was About Being

Today wasn’t about finding solutions or self-improvement. It was about being. Today, I enjoyed this wonderful life the Lord has given me. I didn’t need anyone else or want material things I didn’t have. The sun was out and I am happy to be alive. That’s a form of grace too.

I slept in till the late hour of 8:30 AM, then laid in bed till 9:30 AM. The bright sun beaming through my widow was a delight, so somewhere around 10:30 AM I hatched my plan.

I haven’t taken a proper hike in months. After I affirmed the weather, I deemed today the day to end that drought. I choose Burney Falls on the recent recommendation of my new friend Adam. All I needed was coffee and a smoothie. By noon, I was off.

The drive to Burney Falls was soothing and scenic. The road winds and gently climbs four-thousand feet from the valley to the Cascade mountains to the east. I didn’t rush it, because I wanted to soak in the sun and peace. The drive was only the beginning.

The falls are majestic and powerful. I loved everything about them: the green moss on the rocks, the mist of the crashing water, and towering the Douglas firs. It’s dramatic and settling in a way only nature can muster. Eventually, I put my phone down and let the moment overwhelm my senses. There’s something healing and restorative about nature, about the sky and rushing water, the rock and the mud.

As I watched the fall water down the rocks today I closed my eyes to listen to the sound of the water. I thought how great that sound is. Of all the sounds in our world, does anyone hate it? In all my life I have yet to hear anyone hate the sound of water- a flowing river, the silence of snow, or the rhythmic ocean tides.

The Lord made it this way. He made this glorious planet for us. It’s not small thing.

I had a long and trying week. I felt a lot of emotions and thought thoughts I’d rather avoid. But today, without drugs or cheap pleasure, I was renewed. I did not find all the answers to my questions or solve all the issues. And, I don’t care.

Today wasn’t about finding solutions or self-improvement. It was about being. Today, I enjoyed this wonderful life the Lord has given me. I didn’t need anyone else or want material things I didn’t have. The sun was out and I am happy to be alive. That’s a form of grace too.

I get to live in gorgeous part of the world. In less than an hour I can hike up mountains and float down rivers. All of it a reminder that He is good and wants us to be happy. Life will happen. No need to get upset about it. ;)


Thank you Lord for this planet. Thank you for all the trees, and the tiny gray mouse I saw in the rocks today. Thank you for falling water and grace. Blessed be You Jesus.


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