Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Prayers For My Country

A poem, about the time we live in and the hate being taught in schools.

They taught the kids about the Fathers,

that they owned slaves,

and repressed women,

and slaughtered natives,

and made piles of money,

and went to war,

and polluted the air and seas.

They taught them to loathe the people who built and created and sacrificed,

because they had the audacity to be imperfect.


One day history will come for them,

because they taught the children to hate the pioneers and inventors,

to hate their bodies,

and anyone who makes a profit.

They will be known the Destructionist.

And I pray America has the strength to endure them.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #64 Divorce Is Bad

Today, an idiot, duly elected by people in Georgia, expressed her belief the United States should be split into Red and Blue states. She called for a “national divorce” which means she wants to see the end of the United States as we know it. She went on to say she spoke to people everyday who share her perspective. To say these things on Presidents Day, to invalidate the work and sacrifice of men and woman dating back over two-hundred years, is disheartening and alarming to me.

Today, an idiot, duly elected by people in Georgia, expressed her belief the United States should be split into Red and Blue states. She called for a “national divorce” which means she wants to see the end of the United States as we know it. She went on to say she spoke to people everyday who share her perspective. To say these things on Presidents Day, to invalidate the work and sacrifice of men and woman dating back almost two-hundred and fifty years, is disheartening and alarming to me.

The thing is, I understand the sentiment given by the representative from Georgia. I had similar thoughts and ideas for a while. I too saw the gap between right and left as unfixable, and then I decided to believe in hope and truth. Almost 150 years ago, southern men wanted their own country, to live as they saw fit. A violent and bloody Civil War crushed those aspirations and left a scar still visible on the souls of native southerners. And the fight to keep the Union intact was the right fight. President Lincoln was right. A divided United States doesn’t help defeat Germany in World War I or World War II. And we aren’t strong enough to stand up to the Communists. Yes. Lincoln was right.

Whatever we think about our political opponents, we need each other. Liberals need conservatives to remind them of immutable rights like free speech and religious conviction. And conservatives need liberals to remind them that all people are God’s people. You can’t just treat people however you like because they come from another country or have a different world view or skin tone. And let me be clear, I don’t like the progressive, woke, anti-constitutional tone currently leading the American left. They bother me as much as the nationalist, cultish leanings of the modern GOP.

The world needs US. Together. One nation, under God. Even if some don’t believe in it.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol II: #89 Blessed To Be An American

What I want to say is I am blessed to be an American. And every blessing from the Lord is a responsibility. Every American Christian owes the Lord interest on the gift He gave us for which we will give account for when we pass on. I believe, with our eyes on the Lord, we can navigate this age without swearing allegiance to any party or person. And may we never lose sight of the fact that our biggest impact will be on our families, neighbors, and coworkers. Love conquers all and is more powerful than money or sin or votes.

The more I love Jesus, the less attached I feel to a worldly identity. Put another way, I don’t see myself as a sports fan or southern or as a foodie. I like sports though I watch less every year. And, I love food despite learning to love the most common ingredients and recipes. The last ten years taught me to love and appreciate different aspects of life without making them a major part of my identity.

Accordingly, the idea of “proud to be an American” seems more foreign than ever. (And, if it needs to be said, I am not ashamed to an American.) My country of birth is a wonderful gift from God, passed to me by immigrants from Europe. And, what a beautiful country it is- the people and land. But, pride? No. Patriotism and/or nationalism are not Biblical in any capacity. The New Testament is clear on this. Jesus first, then Paul, make explicit where our hearts and heads should focus: the Lord and His Kingdom. This isn’t to say we can’t value our homeland. But, my aim is to value the Lord and His people over any place and its laws and culture.

What I want to say is I am blessed to be an American. And every blessing from the Lord is a responsibility. Every American Christian owes the Lord interest on the gift He gave us for which we will give account for when we pass on. I believe, with our eyes on the Lord, we can navigate this age without swearing allegiance to any party or person. And may we never lose sight of the fact that our biggest impact will be on our families, neighbors, and coworkers. Love conquers all and is more powerful than money or sin or votes.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Race To The Top, Not For Me

Read the books and blogs,

Listen to that podcast,

Honesty and vulnerable discussion,

Just another marketing mask.

A is for excellence,

F is for failure.

More money is better than no money.

Better stand up tall, better be tall.

Test scores, and final scores.

Only champions and class presidents need apply.

Qualified candidates, and competitive admissions.

Most votes wins, second place is an eternal loser.

Climb the ladder, reach for the top,

The grind for best, first, and always,

Never, ever, stops.

KPIs, and data analytics,

Dashboards, and quotas,

Sales goals,

Quarterly reports,

And dividend yields.

Attendance, and follows,

Views, and engagement,

Commodity influence,

To be all of the above.

Read the books and blogs,

Listen to that podcast,

Honesty and vulnerable discussion,

Just another marketing mask.

Be better,

Do better.


No place to rest,

To live,

To be.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Daily Journal: #110 Isolation

My challenge is to find peace in this moment, to find love and grace. My goal is to cling to the Father no matter how isolated I feel. I am loved and worth of love. My political beliefs do not disqualify me from love. I know I am not as isolated as I feel.

This moment. How I feel right now. This is what I hate about being human. As I watch my country descend into political madness, I stand on an opposite shore from so many I love and respect. I sit in silence because I fear losing them, their love, and their respect.

I put on a brave face and hold my tongue. It’s no consolation to know many in the Church have supported all types of dictators and malicious leaders. And now we have a President who has sown more fear and distrust than any other. He’s a petulant child, and many in the church are wringing their hands about it.

How weak are we? How little do we trust Jesus and listen to the Holy Spirit? I hope and pray for a church so focused and dedicated to faith, love, and the Kingdom we barely notice who is in charge. BECAUSE, IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER! We are not made righteous by our vote or who the President is. Faith is going after His presence and loving Him. Remember Matthew 6:33?! Seek first His kingdom is biggest choice we can make everyday.

My challenge is to find peace in this moment, to find love and grace. My goal is to cling to the Father no matter how isolated I feel. I am loved and worth of love. My political beliefs do not disqualify me from love. I know I am not as isolated as I feel.

My Prayer

Lord, Father of all of us. You love me, crazy Trump supporters, and ardent Trump haters. We are all your kids. I am begging you for peace and a supernatural calm to cover America. I pray for truth to shine and love to win. Jesus, come. I will not concede my country to fear and violence.


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