Walk in the Woods

Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstraction: It’s Not Fair

Dirty, ugly, uncertain, weak, impulsive, indecisive, spoiled, flakey, arrogant, demanding, spineless, cruel, angry, boring, dickish… whatever label we accept and stick our souls are not from Him.

It’s not fair to invite someone into our chaos,

It’s not a sin, but it is asking a lot.

When we don’t know who we are, where we are going,

We demand a lot of faith related to things worth knowing.


Who among us is without sin,

Who of us has life wrapped up, nothing to be forgiven?

Absolutely, life is not fair- how we treat others, the reflection of the unfairness we aim at ourselves.

Dirty, ugly, uncertain, weak, impulsive, indecisive, spoiled, flakey, arrogant, demanding, spineless, cruel, angry, boring, dickish… whatever label we accept and stick our souls are not from Him.

His words are of love, yes and amen.

He doesn’t demand fairness or count the cost.

He said we are worth it, and paid with with His life lost.

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