Daily Journal: #107 Election? No Worries

Seems like most of the people around me are stressed by the election today. The choices are unappealing, but the stakes are high. Trump or Biden? Communism or fascism? Fear or fear? Don’t tell me marketing doesn’t work. Most of us genuinely believe our vote matters, God’s judgment is at hand, and the fate of our nation hangs in the balance. With absolutely love and hope in my heart I believe we are wrong.

It’s Just One Day

For starters, I’m not stressed because I’m not afraid of the future. I am also unburdened by the idea God is judging America and my vote. American is supposedly 65% Christian. That’s close to 200 million people. We have the opportunity to decide the fate of this country everyday by how we act toward our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and adversaries. Each purchase we make is also a vote. The idea how we vote on one particular day is more important than our daily decisions is clever marketing and a lie.

Each and every single day we have the chance to increase the light and love of the Kingdom of God through faith, love, and righteousness. Whenever a moment presents itself to stand up for minorities, the poor, and the defenseless is chance to advance the Heaven on Earth.

God Is Not A Dick

Evangelical Christianity was highjacked by the Republican party in the late 60’s. It was under Richard Nixon the GOP began to tie being an American, being a Christian, and standing up of righteousness together. Since I was I child, I was told God judged America because of abortion, gays, and secular public schools. Click this link to watch some Christian conservative propaganda. Did you know? America went down hill after we removed prayer from schools?

None of this is true, but the tendency of conservative Christians to look to the Old Testament is strong. The God of the Old Testament is an angry judge. The God of the Old Testament is only interested in proper behavior. He is a religious God not unlike Greek gods.

It’s as though all of these well-intentioned people didn’t read a damn word Jesus said. For starters, Jesus says there is a “day of judgment” at the end of time. For God so loved the world…these words are forgotten. The fact the Father is patient and kind is ignored. The Father does not want a single soul to suffer. He’s not in Heaven seething at the LBGTQ community. He’s up there trying to love them where they are. It’s more important they experience His love than “stop being gay.”

No law from Congress with accomplish the miracle of love and grace.

I do not believe God is waiting to smack America down. I think He waits on every single one of us, to share a moment of love and peace. Whatever “bad” things happen to us is a result of our fallen condition, not sin. A fallen condition leads to sin. Correcting the sin does not lead to righteousness. Addressing the heart and soul, person by person, relationship by relationship leads to righteousness.

Biden Or Trump, It Doesn’t Matter

To speak directly to the election at hand, neither of these guys on the ballot is as evil as painted. Trump is insecure, selfish, and greedy. But, he’s no Hitler. I do not like the man as a leader or politician, and I don’t think he’s a racist. Joe Biden is the most moderate Democrat to run for President in my lifetime. He’s not a communist or socialist. The idea either one of the these men will lead us to some type of hell is laughable.

If anything, Joe Biden and Donald Trump are a reflection of how afraid and easily manipulated Americans have become. They are not the best candidates to lead, not even close. Trump won in 2016 because he played on the fear and pain of the people. Biden is doing the same in 2020. They have turned their opponents into a demons, and propped themselves up as saviors. It makes me sick.

Despite my opinion of either of these men, the media stokes the fires of fear more than their actions.

I’ll remind you of this, no matter who wins the Presidency, the Democratic Party will control the House, and the GOP might hold the Senate. Congress creates and passes bills to send to the President, and a split Congress will limit whoever the President is. To me, this is the best case scenario.

Lord, I hope we all chill the f-ck out. You are good, and my hope is in You.

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Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Abstraction: Stage Fright


Daily Journal: #106 Suffering is Part of Life