Abstract: What It Is

When I had blonde curls and skinny legs,

I did not understand the world.

I’d cry and wonder if I was ever enough,

To be something worth notice or celebration.

As I plunged into my years,

My understanding did not improve,

And doubt still swarmed my mind.

Then, on a hot California afternoon,

Ready to peer behind the curtain,

I beheld faith for what it is.

It isn’t blind.

It isn’t braindead.

And it certainly isn’t a magical ability to impose my will on the planet.

Faith is a trust,

which may look stupid,

Fool-hardy and uneducated.

This is the view of cynic and the proud.

The confidence of God isn’t afraid of how it appears,

Life in the Kingdom isn’t. beauty contest.

This sacred trust empowers us to press forward,

When all the signs say Wrong Way.

It’s the conviction to try again,

When failure is your only friend.

It’s letting go of what we think we want,

of standards and fear that motivate us,

of dreams and doubts that occupy our hearts,

of pain and shame meant to retard our lives.

It’s walking through dark doors and down narrow hallways,

Assured of the light on the end.

It’s moving and running toward Him.

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Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Journal: #226 Self Grace


Journal: #225 I Will Be Me