Journal: #221 I Don’t Get Bored, Usually

It’s not always broken hearts and tough life choices that get me down. Sometimes, on days like this day, it’s shear boredom. I hate doing the same thing everyday. I hate blank sheets of paper, plain rice, and routines. And yet (and yet), I freely admit boredom is a state of mind. Clićhe as ever, life is what I make it. If I’m bored, then it’s my responsibility to change it.

It’s also a place to rest in the Lord. It’s Friday night. My parents are in bed. I’m typing a blog post instead of doing anything interesting. I’m restless and I want to do something. I feel like a need to do something, but that’s not true.

For some reason I still see Friday nights as a night to go out- almost like a statue symbol. I find myself in Columbia without friends, during COVID, and not a single sight to see or destination in mind. Tomorrow, I’ll do it all over again. God, I sound like an ingrate. I’m really not.

This is an odd type of moment. I don’t usually “get bored.” That’s not my thing, or I thought it wasn’t my thing. My days have become carbon copies, but that’s not a bad thing. I get to see my parents everyday, enjoy the late winter sun, and focus on being.

I’m glad I’m here.

Lord, thank you today. Thank you for loving me and my family. Thank your for having this moment to spend with them.

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Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Journal: #222 I Miss My Trails


Abstract: Merry-Go-Round