Journal: #177 Going After Goals

Yesterday was a day of quiet triumph. I found the path back to hope and vision for my life, and it began when I surrendered my mind to the Holy Spirit. By the time I fell asleep, I was content and thankful for bottomless grace.

Today, I checked on some goals I set the day after Christmas. Two of those goals are blog and walk +10k steps for at least 45 consecutive days. In each instance, 45 days would be a new high water mark.

Given today is the 16th, I’m nearly half to these goals. It was a good feeling to know I was closer to accomplishing two goals than I thought. Motivation surged through my heart today as I walked deep into the woods, and I considered new short-term goals.

As simple as it seems to walk for 45 straight days is a challenge and commitment. The weather in Redding is rainy this time of year. I’ve got to check the weather radar to plan my walks around incoming waves of rain. When I need to, I walk in the rain.

Writing is a bit easier than walking. I made a spreadsheet of topics and ideas, so I don’t have to be inspired everyday. The real trick is I’ve got to find time to focus and do the work. Unlike getting my steps in, writing requires concentration. I can’t talk to my parents or friends while I write, which I do on my walks.

Overall, I’m happy I’m serving my heart with my goals. On paper they aren’t sexy, but they matter to me. I can build on this success. I find encouragement to go after slightly more scary goals and interests. My new goals including sculpting and daily exercise.

I’m so thankful and happy for this second. Progress is progress, and worthy of celebration.

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Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Journal: #178 MLK Taught Me To Love


Journal: #176 Surrendered To The Expert