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Journal: #179 Favorite Moment of 2020: New Heights With Jesus

This post is first and favorite Moment of 2020. Unlike some, 2020 was not a bad year for me. Despite some major disappointments, I wouldn’t trade 2020 for anything. Read my intro by clicking this link, #10: Oregon, #9 Part 1 of The (X) Girlfriend here, #9 Part 2 of The (X) Girlfriend here, #8 Family and Friends here, #7 My Love of Writing here, #6 Walking Away From BBQ here, #5 Growing in Gratitude here, #4 Discovering Myself here, #3 Learning to Love Myself here, and #2 Grace and Patience here.

I grew up in church, but I consider my walk with Jesus to be 22 years old. 2020 was without question the most special and rewarding year in my pursuit of His Kingdom. I can’t say enough about it, but I’ll try.

The greatest of what I encountered last year was not in one glorious moment or series of moments. It came in the daily practice of letting God be God in my life. I experienced more freedom, joy, grace, and love than ever, and it’s all because I let Him into the dark corners and dusyt backrooms of my heart.

I’m not going to belabor this point or waste words.

Jesus promised all the needs of our lives would be met if we “seek first the Kingdom.” Very simply, that is my testimony. Everyday of 2020, I sought Him.

Early in the morning, through the joys of a new relationship, through the pain of a breakup, in the middle of quarantine, when my body aches and my emotions frown, late at night, without excuses, in the car, on planes, during trips, and regardless of motivation…I sought Him.

He did not disappoint.

I will add a few important tips for anyone who wants to experience the fullness of the Lord:

  1. Every day means every single every day. Show up before the Lord no matter how you feel or what the voice in your head says.

  2. Be honest. Tell the Lord what you feel, exactly how you feel it. If the thoughts in your head are sad or depressing, start there.

  3. Listen. The Lord loves us. His voice is kind and patient. There is no condemnation.

  4. Find something to be grateful for in each day. It does not matter how mundane it is, start with the weather or the roof over your head. But when you look for God’s goodness in your life, it will become obvious everywhere.

That’s it. I’m tired and have a good blog to write for tomorrow. For now, I’m going to end my list here. 2020 was a wonderfully awesome, sad, and amazing year. I wouldn’t trade it for all the rice in China.


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