DJ: #71 Why I Love California

I grew up in South Carolina. On a rare day, I miss it. I miss the summer thunder storms, endless country roads, and the Spanish moss hanging from the old live oaks. Charleston will always be one of my favorite cities. If I was gonna move back, that’s where I’d want to be. There isn’t another city like it in America, as it manages to progress while retaining its character. But…I just don’t see it happening- moving back to the South. For all of its faults and problems, I love California. It’s my home. And God willing, will remain my home.

A perfectly normal question to ask is why? Why does a man, who grew up in South Carolina, love California? For starters, my love of California is not a rebuke of South Carolina. I love South Carolina too, in the same manner one might love their college years. I have good memories, but it’s time to move on to the next thing.

Since we all love a good list, I’ve got my ten favorite things I love about California.


Top Ten Reasons I Love California

  1. Very little snow. Believe it or not, South Carolina receives more snow than non-mountainous parts of California. In my six years I’ve only experienced a few random dusting. I love it.

  2. Dry heat. I recently flew back East for my birthday, and the humidity knocked me down as I stepped off the plane. Early in the morning, late at night, it’s humid. It never stops.

    While summer temps in Redding sore well over 100°, mornings and evenings offer breaks from the heat of the day. I prefer 100° and dry over 85° and humid.

  3. Outdoor culture. My life back East was dictated by sports schedules and indoor activities. Not so in northern California. It’s too beautiful to stay indoors, and people in Redding aren’t glued to their TVs.

  4. The Redwoods. I stopped trying to describe the majesty of the Redwood Forests. You have to experience it for yourself. The overall natural beauty of the state is amazing as well.

  5. Health conscience. California is one of the healthiest states in America, and it shows. People eat well and exercise more often. California is second in life expectancy for a reason.

  6. The very real laid back culture. Whatever you think of California politics, the people here are very chill. No one takes time out of there day to belittle others. Cliques aren’t a thing, so it’s less tribal. In the South, everyone is part of a closed group. Everyone is roughly the same social-economic status, goes the same church, wears the same types of clothes, etc. In Redding, I have a very diverse group of friends and we all accept each other regardless of wealth, origin, or political beliefs. It’s wonderful.

  7. The San Francisco food scene. As a foodie, I am blessed.

  8. The Entrepreneurial spirit. Again, despite whatever stereotypes exist, the people of California love creativity and hard work. You gotta remember, this is the home of Levis, Apple, Tesla, and McKesson. (Government regulation makes innovation a necessity. The rest of America benefits.)

  9. The Creative Spirit. Number 7 and 8 allude to this, but I wanted to give it its own place on the list. Because people are laid back, less confined by the norm, they are willing to try something new. Sure, this state is stocked with people who want routine, but the general threshold for something new is much higher than the rigid East.

  10. Driving on any Interstate. Weird as it may seem, driving I-5 is very peaceful compared to anything back in the Carolinas. On my most recent visit to Charlotte the road rage was real. It’s stressful. For nearly a year, I drove in rush hour traffic in San Francisco, still not as stressful.

On a more serious note, California is where I became a man. It’s where I figured out who I am, and how to love myself. Life here isn’t easy, but worth it. No more wandering the desert for Nik. Perhaps whenever I get married or have an incredible offer I can’t refuse, I’ll leave. I hope not.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

A: My Morning Walks Are Not Routine


DJ: #70 Being Unique Sucks (Some Days)