Journal: #326 Delayed


I loathe a certain airline. Their headquarters in is Houston. Let me count the ways. I’ll begin with the condition of their planes. They are cramped and sweaty. From there we’ll move onto their inability to take off or land on time. Now, add a dash of lost or damaged luggage. Finally, offer cheap flights to people who have just enough money to avoid Spirit Airlines. Voila! A shitty airline is born.

It’s my fault. I know United is a cheap carrier with a reputation for tardiness. (You can read more about United's terrible rep by clicking this link: United is bad.) I absolutely know it, because I‘ve railed against United before to my friends and family. So…why did I fly with them? Because I was cheap. I didn’t want to pay $400 for a flight on Delta. Lesson learned. Again. I can’t blame a dog for being a dog.

The silver lining in today’s drama is I scored a free pass to the United Club lounge. At present, I am sitting in a very comfortable chair having just eaten my weight in free food. (I was hangry too. That never helps.) I’ll be able to write this post and spend some time with the Lord. The time will be spent backing off my hanger cliff- repenting of my judgemental ways. Soon enough I’ll saunter down the terminal for a short flight to New Orleans and friendship.

I know I began this post with a rant. In truth, I’m blessed. Very blessed. I’m healthy. Both my parents are alive and kicking. I have a good job and great friends. One company, dedicated to mediocrity, can’t change that. God is good, even when I’m delayed. (Being delayed is not really a big deal. I just upset at myself for choosing United.)

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Journal: #327 My Friend David


Journal: #325 Happy July 4th