Journal: #325 Happy July 4th


Happy July 4th.

In all honesty, I am still trying to figure out how to love my country despite its current obsession with self-destruction. As I drove from Redding to Hood last week, I saw all kinds of political signs and bumper stickers. In rural areas, the people seem to have a cult-like devotion to an immoral and ungodly man. (I thought America was bigger than any single person.) In urban areas, the condescension and self-righteousness are so thick you need a chainsaw to cut it. It’s maddening to see people choose politics over people. It’s not always been this way.

What I find incredibly ironic is the dichotomy between the rural and urban areas. Most of the pro-Trump signs and flags I saw in southern Oregon were on farmland. We know these are salt-of-the-earth hardworking people. Then tend to respect the land and just want to left alone. The people in urban areas live a completely different life. They must depend on each other more than their rural counterparts. In a way, they need more government. And, their hearts are in the right place. They want equal rights and to protect the planet. These are not bad desires.

I just wish every city-lover could go work on a farm for a month or two- like really work it. I think it would be eye-opening for a lot of liberals to see how government impedes and burdens rural life. Every gas tax increase hurts them the most. Every environmental regulation limits how they survive. Conversely, every farmer should go live in an urban area, particularly a minority neighborhood. Again, I’m not talking about a vacation. I’m talking about having to pay rent in an expensive city, using public transportation, and dealing with crowds of people everywhere they go. There’s a reason cities are blue and the country is red. Each group of people faces completely different sets of problems and financial hurdles.

For this, the 245th birthday of the United States of America, I offer hope, blessing, and a prayer:

Lord, I’m frustrated by the hate I see in my country. My heart breaks for what we could be. I place my hope in you because I know you love America too. You love every single conspiracy theorist, Trump voter, trans-activist, socialist, and bigot. I know you want and have more for us. Today, I choose to align myself with Your heart. I bless every person with grace and kindness- every bad driver, the asshole on social media, and bigot. Your love has no limits, so I ask for none. Thank you for such an amazing place to live. Teach me how to love in this valley too.


Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Journal: #326 Delayed


Journal: #323 Made it to Hood