Journal: #241 Value What Jesus Values

The Lord was real sweet to me as I drove from Sacramento to Redding today. He told me how He’d always been with me, through every second of my life. Upon hearing those words, every painful memory I own surfaced as if on parade. On cue the Holy Spirit said, “I was there for all those moments too.” After a beat I tried to think of my favorite memories. Immediately my mind went to what have I accomplished? The answer- depending on your point of view- is not much. So I asked God, “What are your favorite moments of my life?” He just laughed. “What I value, you do not value. And, I have many.”

How humble and Godly is it to value the small, forgotten seconds of life? Apparently, that’s what the Lord love about me. Sure, graduating college was great, so was the day I decide to forever walk away from suicide. One improved my life, and the other preserved it.

I want to do more of that. I want to value what Jesus values in myself and in others. I’m as guilty as anyone for looking to the “big” moments of life, for grand gestures, and displays of affection. And my regular readers will know I battle the need for approval. Approval generally comes through accomplishment, but that’s not the Lord. I mean…how do we impress someone who already loves us, favors us, and cheers us on?

I aim to find out.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Journal: #242 The Addict’s Lie


Abstract: Nap Sack