Journal: #295 The Next 60 Days


May was a long month or seemed to be. I began the month in South Carolina, flew back to California on the 3rd, and battled a series of emotional lows the rest of the month. Last week was better, and I’ve patiently waited for today to arrive. It’s a new month packed with fresh possibilities. I’m excited to start new goals and go camping.

Since May was a scramble, I will be more deliberate in June and July. It’s going to be 61 days of working, exercise, learning, and doing. No more random days and wasted time in front of the TV. There’s nothing to watch anyway. I might as well put this summer to good use. Hopefully, it’s my last summer as a single man. (Who knows? Some aspects of that hope are completely out of my hands. I won’t force it. I’d rather be single than headed toward a shitty marriage or divorce.)

The goals I have include: Lose 30 pounds, grow my investment account by $2000, finish my drawing classes, finish my investment courses, and use the camera I bought to take pictures of my travels. Here in June, I’ve got a lot of writing to complete. Today is post #295, meaning I have 35 more posts to write in just 40 days. I can (and will) take a mere five days off from writing. Given my travel schedule in early July, I need to save my off days until then that time. To adjust, my posts will be intentionally shorter.

I look forward to the day I type “#330” into the header. It will mark the first time I set and accomplished a goal like that. What I mean is, this is the first “Nik only” goal. I didn’t have structure or someone pushing me. I have a small audience, so no one would miss me if I stopped. To write and post #330 blog posts without outside motivation is a big deal. It’s proof I can do something completely on my own. I needed this experience to boost me into more challenging endeavors. Success isn’t what I thought it would be. I thought it would come in the form of a growing audience. Each day I press “Publish,” is a successful day.

The next 60 days will include new goals and the completion of old goals. I can’t wait to see how it plays out. God is good, and I believe the next 60 days are going to be magical.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Abstract: Enjoy The Grind


Journal: #294 Happy Memorial Day: We Owe Them