Journal: #236 Bounce Back


Bounced Back, As Expected

Well, today was a pleasant bounce back from yesterday. I expected it to be so. Before I fell asleep last night I told the Lord, “tomorrow is going to be different.” And it was. The general lack of motivation is no more, and I found my emotional center as soon as I woke.

New Ideas Are Fuel

For those who don’t know, I live in the world of what’s possible. I love to consider options and create new ideas in my head. As soon as I woke up today I imagined the site redesign you see now on the homepage. I’ve got a few more tweaks, but I feel really good about it. I think it looks a tad more professional and less slapdash. (As it should, since I work in the world of digital marketing and site development.) To those who visit this site on regular basis, let me know what you think. I’d love to know your thoughts and opinions on my new design work.

The Fun Is In The Winning

A thought now imbedded in my mind is the best parts of life come after a hard fought victory. Last night, everything inside me wanted to blow up my life, for reasons I can’t explain. Instead of self-sabotage, I chose to do what’s made me successful over the last year. I showed up. I walked. I wrote in my physical journal, and I prayed. I did all the things. In between my confusion and desire to give-up, the Holy Spirit responded to my efforts. It’s amazing what can happen when I make room for the Lord to do what only He can do. Today was a day of victory over anxiety and depression.

Sudden My Ass

What I believe in less and less is the idea of “sudden” advancement. It’s a concept popular in charismatic/prophetic circles I frequent. The idea of sudden advancement is akin to winning a spiritual lottery, and it’s demotivating. God is not bestowing His grace and favor randomly or to a select few. The more I run after Jesus and pursue the Kingdom, the more my life improves (Just as Jesus promised.) It may look sudden from the outside, but it’s a patient grace and act of submission. Whatever I am today and will be tomorrow is the result of twenty years of walking with Jesus. There’s nothing sudden about it.

What I experienced today- the bounce back from bullshit- is the product of working with the Holy Spirit. It’s about being present, declaring life over myself, and refusing to concede to darkness. It’s taken me years to get to this point, which I do not wish on anyone. My hope is people around me are less stubborn than I was. I took the long way around the mountain to be the spiritual giant I am today, *wink*.

Love y’all. So does Jesus. Embrace it. Own it. Love thyself.

(I know I promised a Part 2 to Ordinary Miracles. It’s coming. Tomorrow.)

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Abstract: He Is Me


Abstract: Life Goals