The Stark Difference Between Discipline and Control

Discipline grunts,”I will” in the stormy down pour. Control whimpers,”They must” at the slightest sign of a dark cloud. 

Discipline believes in itself without of chorus of praise and adoration. Control cannot get enough of it. 

Discipline isn’t distracted by outside noise of the latest fad or disaster. She is focused on the moment, be it for joy, or for profit, or shouldering the burden of brother with cancer. 

Control wonders from moment to moment, never present. He seeks the next fix, unable to experience true joy or support the sick. Like a junkie, he uses his charm and pleasing nature in trade for a bump of affirmation. 

Discipline loves wisdom and hates lies. She loves to build only what will last to eternity. Control can’t see over the next hill, and is thrown by slick presentations. 

Discipline is love- long suffering, patient, kind, enduring. She knows truth is eternal, and she lacks nothing. 

Control relies on others for its direction, affirmation, and value. But like a cup with a hole in the bottom, it’s never full. And it will never be full.

Even before my eyes opened today, I could feel the bullshit setting in around me. The same bullshit I battled this weekend- the pissy insecure self-pity bullshit. I just rolled over and said “not today, not any more.” And then I began to speak love of myself, my day, and my life. I leaned hard in the Holy Spirit, and the bullshit is gone. 

Over recent weeks, I got away from positive personal affirmation and confession. Not by intent, but by neglect. I’ve felt better about myself and my life. I like what I’m doing and the aim of my life. And…this weekend was a good test to remind me of what practices are important to my life. 

I’ve got to believe in me and trust the Lord. I’ve got to do the things I know bring me life. No matter what. Life is up and down. I accept that. What I do not accept is judging myself and feeling like a shit about the downs. I’m amazing. PERIOD. 

(So are you;) 

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Distancing Myself From Success


Unexpected Delight, and Fight