Abstract: Power of Love

There is one Law above all others,

upon which all the Law depends,

and the prophets,

and faith.

This edict comes from the Messiah on high,

to Love the Lord with every ounce of life force we’ve got,

then to do the same do our neighbors and enemies.

Jesus called this Perfect Love,

as the Father does.

What if sin is similar,

one sin to rule them all…

The beginning of destruction and death.

It would have to be simple, ignorable and painless,

easy to justify and carry out,

Routine even…

Sunday school taught us the story of original sin:

A snake slithered into the idyllic garden,

Eve, then Adam disobeyed orders from the bearded God,

All of humanity doomed in a moment of desire,

by a choice.

What if Sunday school is wrong?

What if the sin wasn’t disobedience,

but the cover-up?

Like guilty children, they hid in the closet,

waiting for punishment and condemnation.

Their eyes opened to the fragility of life,

and the consequence of separation.

We do not know if indeed this was the first sin.

Who’s to say Adam and Eve sinned before this moment?

But, it was handled in a different way.

Unburdened by shame, Adam might announce his lie to the Father,

Eve her theft.

Then like a good Father, He corrected their mistakes,

no punishment, no tears.

Humans learning how to love each other.

The Bible is the story of God’s attempt to love us.

And the biggest sin isn’t rape or murder,

it’s separation from Him.

Cut-off from Him,

any terrible crime is possible,

The Holocaust, Jim Crow,

greed and war.

No one, who chooses to behold the glory of God,

on a daily, committed basis,

can stand the sight or sounds of violence,

or shame.

We offer poor help to those in need,

the ones stuck in cycles of self-destruction and sorrow.

We tell them to “stop sinning.”

When the answer is to “Love Jesus.”

If our days are full of meetings and routines,

disappointments, little pleasures, and hope,

but we do not have the Lord,

we are dead.

We are props to be used.

In Him is all life.

The ability to create,

Space to grow,

and the endurance to Love as commanded.

More than that, there is no sin,

not because sin is absent,

but because its power is cut-off and nullified,

Forever void.

This is the power of His Love.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Journal: #309 Practicing Patience


Journal: #308 Learning Is A Process, So Quit Being Impatient