Journal: #261 The First Nine Weeks

I’m sleepy and genuinely uninterested in writing this post. Good thing I decided to have some goals for the next 20-ish weeks, eh? Eh? Yeah. It is good. The central thesis for my summer goals is I want to double-down on me, and continue to dive into what the Lord planted in my heart. And, I divided the the next 20 weeks into three sections: a short two-week sprint while I’m in Columbia, the first nine weeks, and the last nine weeks.

These first weeks are focused on finding the joy in the little acts and tasks of life, of being creative, and enjoying who the Lord created me to be. Then, I will move onto The First Nine Weeks, which I want to be more ambitious. Additionally, I want the first nine weeks to serve as a spring board to the final nine weeks. Without further delay, here are those goals:

  1. In support of my goal to lose 40 pound this summer, lose 20 pounds. I plan to accomplish this by adding yoga to my workout schedule, hiking more on the weekends, and eating clean.

  2. Learn. I love to learn, but haven’t made much space for it. Starting May 4th, I’ll spending 30 minutes/day learning a new marketing skill, and 30 minutes a day increasing my investment and trading skills.

  3. 45 drawings. The long-term goal here is to draw/paint/sculpt everyday. It’s a battle though, one I’m willing to fight.

  4. Finish 330 blog posts. Technically, I won’t finish this goal during the first nine weeks, but I’ll be close. The pace I’m on will get me where I want to be, and I’m excited to reach 330 posts. It’ll be a big deal and proof I can set a goal and achieve it.

  5. Lastly, I want to take some bomb photographs of the parks and night sky on my camping trips. After my return to Redding, I have three camping trips in four weeks. Then a few more planned for the summer. I look forward to the quiet and the dark skies of each night.

That’s it for the first nine weeks. I’ll check back in on them when I start in May.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Journal: #262 Life Without Fear


Abstract: Finally, Accountable