Vol III: #14

Over stimulated. That’s my state of mind this Monday in early September. So, I’m going to roll it and give you, my reader, an insight into the types of thoughts and emotions I encounter when I feel this way. (Let’s see how this goes.)

The air conditioning is loud.

I think I drank too much coffee.

I can feel my eyes. They seem to be bulging but I know it’s just the coffee.

My hair still feels wet, but it isn’t wet. Just cold, which can often feel wet to the touch.

The apartment still smells like the baguettes I tried to bake yesterday. Need to work on that recipe.

I usually like Mondays but not today. It’s not like anything bad has happened, I just didn’t look forward to this week.

Does that mean something is wrong? Maybe not. Not everything has to mean something.

Change is hard.

I should’ve finished that book Kirk gave in 2020. I still can.

Is this really a way to write a blog post?

Yes, Nik. It is.

Six months. I’m making a big six month push. Started a few days ago. And the end date is March 8th. Didn’t pick that day, but there it is.

I expect my productivity to be significantly higher on that day.

One grind (day) at a time.

Silence can be a blanket or a terrorist.

In, out. Breathing is fun.

That Bob Ross bobble head looks good on my bookshelf.

Human dynamics are complex. How dare anyone pretend to understand what a human is.

I hate nihilism.

I feel fat.

The sandwich I made earlier was fantastic.

I spend too much time in my head. Too many fantasies.

Criticism is only good if it empowers a person or ends abuse or violence.

This exercise helped focus my thoughts and center my emotions.

Thoughts are more clear than they were ten minutes ago.

Definitely feel less chaotic.

I should fold my laundry and empty the dish washer.

I need to treat writing and drawing as the passions they are rather than tasks to cross off a list.

If I can learn to grind, I’ll be unstoppable.

Glad I did this. I won’t edit this.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol III: #15 Good Examples


Abstract: New Songs