Vol III: #15 Good Examples

I like heroes and champions as much as anyone. But, they can feel untouchable. Dabo Swinney- the championship winning football coach at Clemson- has charisma. Colin Powell was disciplined. Heidi Baker has more faith and courage than I do. And, Van Gogh was f*cking nuts, which is a different sort of untouchable. Sometimes, I need to see someone like me succeed. I want to know that my dreams aren’t fantasies.

Fortunately, I have a few great people in my life, folks like me. I know their stories and what they’ve endured. They aren’t the most qualified, educated, wealthy, or charismatic. They just went to work. They believe in themselves and the Holy Spirit guiding them. And, I’m grateful to be a witness. I’ve seen the struggles and battles. Now, I see them in their triumphs. I get to watch them lift trophies(metaphorically speaking) and enjoy the fruit of their sacrifices.

Tomorrow, I’ll dive into the specifics of what I gleaned. For today, I’ll let this be about gratitude. That’s good enough.

Also, to rant for a sec, America is still the Land of Opportunity. We just live in the Age of Lazy.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol III: #16 Education and Testimonies


Vol III: #14