Vol IV: #8 Motivation Rather Than Offense

Motivation is a tricky muse. Similar to Inspiration, it is fleeting. The artist is happy to have them over, even begs them to stay. But when they’ve left the building, he must get back to work.

This week, I was given a slice of unexpected motivation. What was communicated does not matter, but I will admit I was disheartened at first. Someone challenged me and I immediately felt defensive. And, I don’t like feeling defensive. It’s a waste, and the behavior of slaves trying to appease a master. The challenge thrown at my feet was a truth I needed to hear. (Sorry for being vague, but I prefer to protect the innocent.) And as I thought about what I’m doing and where I want to be, I knew I could use the challenge to propel me forward like a ship sailing with the wind.

And this is new for me. Previously, I was defeated by a few well placed words or opinions. Whoever expressed them was clueless to the turmoil they set in motion, and they are not to blame for my self-sabotage. Any time I am defeated by a few words it is because of the unaddressed fear in my heart. The trick I used this week was to use words said in love, yet received as a challenge, as motivation to level-up my work and my approach to it. Maybe you’ve noticed an uptick in the number of posts this week? I’m on track to post 10-12 posts this week, and even more next week. (I’m hoping to finish my current short story by the end of next week too.)

I’m on a path to well over 500 posts over the coming year. That’s an insane but necessary amount of writing. To get to where I want to be- a working author, living off my work- I need to write and work and publish my stories. For now, it’s this blog. And soon, I’ll start submitting my work to writing competitions and (hopefully) editors for feedback. The next step is to produce a short story a week instead of over three weeks. Nothing wrong with my previous approach, but I’m moving up a level. I’m treating my work as a job, with hours, tasks, and deadlines.

And, I can thank a friend for a swift kick to rear for the motivation to go harder than ever before.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Short: Gary And Mary: The Artist and The Magic Paint Brush, Part 5.


Vol IV: #7 Get That Sleep