Vol IV: #7 Get That Sleep

I looked at my watch as I laid on the couch and it showed 10 PM. In the moment, I knew it was bed time for Nik but I made a poor decision and pressed “Play Next Episode” for one more round of Alone. An our later, I lugged upstairs and fell asleep. Just before nodding off I told myself to sleep in, to get my rest. Yet, when 5 AM came, I rolled out of bed and began my day. And I have fought my thoughts and attitude all day as a result of my poor choice.

If someone where to ask “What are the most three important needs in life?” I’d have a quick answer: love(God), water, and sleep. That’s my experience, anyway. And the difference I feel when I am rested instead of groggy is stark. Like right now, I want to fight everyone- which I’ve already done in my head. My roommate and ex-girlfriend didn’t stand a chance. Poor bastards.

The encouraging bit is I still hit most of my goals for the day. Most. And that’s ok. In the past, I would’ve done some truly self-destructive stuff when I’m this miserable. And I know what you’re thinking, Wait till you’re married and have kids, you’ll never sleep again. Yeah, I get it. Truly. That thought and reality is part of why I feel like such an angry twat. I know I’m single. I know it everyday. And as we all know, single people just need to shut the f*ck up and be thankful their lives are so simple, right? Again, I am aware.

Now, all I want to do is go to sleep, take a 16 hour nap. Instead, I’m happy to be typing rather whine or play games or do anything to satisfy my spoiled flesh. What is good and holy is always good and holy regardless of how I feel about it being good and holy. And today is a day where I see the dividends of pushing through bad feelings and thoughts…to do what is good and holy in my life.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol IV: #8 Motivation Rather Than Offense


Short: Gary And Mary: The Artist and The Magic Paint Brush, Part 4.