Vol III: #11 Happy Birthday To Me

Yesterday was my 42nd birthday. I went to pray and did a bit of work but mostly chatted with friends or family. For dinner, I was invited over by the Nisly’s for miso soy meatballs and vanilla ice cream with oreo cookies. And toward the end of my visit, Kaiten Nisly asked,”What was your favorite moment from the last year of your life?” My mind whirled as I thought back to August 29th, 2021.

A year ago, I had lunch with a friend at a most excellent Korean restaurant. The chicken wings were crunchy and spicy and the beef noodle soup was rich and layered with flavor. A few days later, I began school at BSSM which brought a slate of new friends. After Christmas, COVID got me, twice. Then, I traveled over the summer and now I’m here writing this blog. My 42nd year of life was, by my standard, eventful and important. In the attempt to answer my friend, I was unable to find a memory more grand than all others. Contrary to these thoughts, my mind continued.

The answer to the question became more obvious once I settled on it. My favorite moment isn’t a specific time or place but a change. I’m more grateful and hopeful than ever. And, I see it when I’m able to appreciate and enjoy a moment as it’s happening. My thoughts have also changed, from searching for flaws and critiques to looking to discover what’s good and life-giving.

I was able to appreciate yesterday because of what happened instead of what didn’t happen. And, I was grateful for every “Happy Birthday” text and chat. It’s a good way to spend a birthday.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol III: #12 All The Feels


Vol III: #10 Faith of the Witnesses