Vol III: #90 A Bit Stuck

Three years ago, I burned up the internet with my words. I’d suffered two broken relationships- one romantic and the other professional. And as any country music star will tell ya, break ups are a gold mine of emotion and creative fuel. But now I feel like a dry creek, my flow gone. Or, at the least, that’s how I feel. My thoughts run into walls like who cares and you don’t know anything. I know that’s not true, but all feels mechanical and repetitive.

And to clarify, I’m referring specifically to blogging. In my physical journal I write 4-5 poems per week, and perhaps this is were I need to focus for the moment. Creeks always overflow in the spring then run dry during the summer (in California.) But rivers run strong, from the headwaters near a mountain all the way to an ocean. The level may rise and fall, but the water keeps moving. Accordingly, at least at the start, year four is going to be poems. Lots of poems.

I still have another week on Volume III and I hope to add another blog entry or two. Then, on or about July 11th, I’ll post about what I want year four to be. 90ish blogs is well short of the goal I set for myself last year. But, on the bright side, I did author almost 80 poems over the last year. Combined, I wrote almost 170 blogs, short stories, and poems. That’s not so bad.

The big goal for 2023-24 is going to be to finish my first novel. I believe I’m halfway to a completed rough draft, but I haven’t worked on it in months. Normally, I’d just be done with it- the project. My tendency is start a project and either finished it or let it be forever unfinished. It’s hard for me to come back to a project once I lay off it for a while. So…the opportunity I have is to reverse years of leaving things undone.

I don’t need more projects, I just need to believe in the ones I want- like my writing. I believe in it even when I feel a bit stuck.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Abstract: The Things I Want To Do


Abstract: Prayers For My Country