Walk in the Woods

Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #35 For The Love Of Kanye

The thing about Kanye is he is bipolar. It’s a condition that he lives with and explains, at least in part, his erratic behavior. Most bipolar people don’t live a public life the way he does and in my experience bipolar folks tend to hide. So, am I making an excuse for Kanye? Yes. Yes, I am. I can have empathy for his mental state while holding him accountable.

A few years ago, the artist and mogul Kanye West published a gospel album, held his Sunday Service worship session online, and proclaimed that Jesus changed his life. The world groaned while countless Christian rushed to pat the man on the back. He’s one of us they said as if the salvation needs celebrity validation.

In truth, I’ve always been a Kanye fan. He’s a true artist in the crazy, unstable kind of way. And artists of his variety make very public blunders right along side their very public genius. So when Kanye came out as Christian, I was happy but cautious. And when the Christians started to promote him and his gospel album I stepped back because I knew Kanye. He’s a bi-polar genius without a filter. So when a friend texted to ask what I thought, I didn’t hold back. We’ll see if the same people support him the next time he screws up.

Fast-forward to October 2022, the support is all but gone after another public mess. Apparently Kanye is making antisemitic statements and claims. Black people are the real Jews? I don’t want to give it much space in my blog, but yeah, it’s that bad. He made these statements after wearing a White Lives Matter sweater in Paris, which also angered people.

The thing about Kanye is he is bi-polar. It’s a condition that he lives with and explains, at least in part, his erratic behavior. Most bi-polar people don’t live a public life the way he does and in my experience bi-polar folks tend to hide. So, am I making an excuse for Kanye? Yes. Yes, I am. I can have empathy for his mental state while holding him accountable. Bi-polar disorder isn’t a get out of jail free card, the man still needs to come to a place where he understands how he hurts people, but… we need to treat mental disorders with same compassion we have for the blind or the lame. Bi-polar people don’t switch the disorder on and off at their whim, and unless healed by the Lord, the must learn to manage it. (And wouldn’t it be like the devil to use a person at the most vulnerable? Duh?)

Bi-polar people like Kanye need more love, not less. They need more community not to be left alone, even when the try to hide or push us away.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 137

Psalm 137, in it’s translated version. Click to read why I decided to leave it as is.

Psalm 137

When I read the Psalm for the day, I decide not to re-interpret it. Psalm 137 is a song from a people held captive and longing for their homeland (and the punishment of their captors.) It is intense and personal. And, I didn’t feel right about putting their lament into my context. So, I left it as translated in the New American Standard Bible.

An Experience of the Captivity.

By the rivers of Babylon,

There we sat down and wept,

When we remembered Zion.

Upon the willows in the midst of it

We hung our harps.

For there our captors demanded of us songs,

And our tormentors mirth, saying,

“Sing us one of the songs of Zion.”

How can we sing the Lord’s song

In a foreign land?

If I forget you, O Jerusalem,

May my right hand forget her skill.

May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth

If I do not remember you,

If I do not exalt Jerusalem

Above my chief joy.

Remember, O Lord, against the sons of Edom

The day of Jerusalem,

Who said, “Raze it, raze it

To its very foundation.”

O daughter of Babylon, you devastated one,

How blessed will be the one who repays you

With the recompense with which you have repaid us.

How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones

Against the rock.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #34 God Is A Happy God

this morning, as I thought about my vote and all the problems we face, I remembered the Lord is good. He is hope and love. And, He’s for us. He’s for America and all the people in it. He stands and knocks on all of our hearts waiting for us to answer. These are not the actions of a gray, old man with lighting bolts at the ready when we screw up. This is picture of a good Father, one with open arms and kind words for those willing to listen.

There’s a picture of God we all have somewhere in our person. He’s old and gray and angry. I believe this imagine stems from First Great Awakening, way back in mid-1700’s. Jonathan Edwards gave us this impression when he preached his famous Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God sermon, and it was hence burned into American Christianity. I don’t love Edwards’ sermon, but he has plenty of Biblical basis. The Bible certainly has plenty of scripture to support Edwards’ claims. And millions of people responded to it. If hell is eternal then it’s best to do what it takes to avoid it, right?

The only issue I have with the angry God doctrine is that it’s not accurate. God isn’t angry, He’s just. And more than that, He’s looking to smile on us and cover us with love- if we let Him. In Genesis, He called creation Good. He was pleased with the sacrifices of Abel. He was please with David and, of course, Jesus. He is pleased in our weakness and when we seek peace and do good. And He seeks to bless us when we are poor in spirit, mourn, or face persecution. He applauds our attempts and blesses our trials. And Jesus is the ultimate blessing- a sign of love, for though we were lost and broken, he sent Himself. If God were only angry, marking our sins on a giant cosmic chalkboard, we’d all be screwed to hell. But, He’s not.

I’ll stop here to say something important; the Lord is not a slot machine where if we pull the right levers we will be rich. Too many people fall into that line of thinking and it’s a false doctrine. This is not a carrot vs stick motivational discussion. What I want to clearly define for me and you is the idea that the Lord is for us. (Remember: Suffering is part of life and is not an indicator of the Father’s affection for us.) My point is that we can please God with how we live life and we will never work for His love. He loves us already and eternally.

I know I’m not saying anything new, and originality isn’t my goal. But this morning, as I thought about my vote and all the problems we face, I remembered the Lord is good. He is hope and love. And, He’s for us. And He’s for America and all the people in it. He stands and knocks on all of our hearts waiting for us to answer. These are not the actions of a gray, old man with lighting bolts at the ready when we screw up. This is picture of a good Father, one with open arms and kind words for those willing to listen.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 136

My interpretation of Psalm 136.

Psalm 136

Praise God!

He is good and this truth makes all things possible.

He chose us, all of us, to be his children.

He will that no one should waste their life.

And, He will do what He wills to bring about His glory,

regardless of the what the world mocks or judges.

And everyone who creates and worships human wisdom,

every who is proud and arrogant,

violent and oppressive,

they will whither and die.

And they will be forgotten in eternity.

Bless those who on the name of the Lord,

in every season and moment of life,

for God is Good.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 135

My interpretation of Psalm 135.

Psalm 135

Praise God!

He is good and He makes all things possible.

He chose us, all of us, because He wills that no man waste their life in vain.

And, He will do what He needs to do, regardless of what the wicked think or mock.

For everyone who creates and those who worship human wisdom will whither and die.

And they will be forgotten in eternity.

Bless those who call on the Lord in every season and moment of life,

for the Lord is good.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 134

My interpretation of Psalm 134.

Psalm 134

Bless those who toil for the Kingdom,

To the ones who gave their life in service to the Lord.

May the Father of all Creation bless them with joy and peace and abundant harvests,

that they will see the Holy fruit and know it is good.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #33 A Clarifying Post

I felt like I needed to clarify how I will interpret the Psalms moving forward. (Because people lose their shit over stupid things.)

Last week I started posting my interpretations of a the Psalms. And what I’ve done is translate the Psalm into my own words, which is not what I want to do. The New American and Message translations are my favorites and the people who compiled them did a fine job. What I will do starting today is reinterpret each Psalm through the lens of the New Testament, the day we live in, and my life. So, going from greater context to more personal context.

My interpretation should not be considered theology or doctrine. They are simply how I read them and apply them to my perspective.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 133

My interpretation of Psalm 133.

Psalm 133

Unity is where the goodness flows.

Work and harvests are amplified and the blessings spread from house to house.

A nation thrives with one heart, and a family expands it’s territory when they are as one.

Unity of heart and spirit and purpose are life-sustaining,

a blessing from our Father.

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 132

My interpretation of Psalm 132.

Psalm 132

Do you remember David, Lord?

Do you remember his promise to find a place for you to dwell, and for your people to encounter you?

Do you remember he fulfilled his promise?

Lord, thank you for your Son,

To come rest in us and with us,

In all your glory and wonder.

He is a gift greater than an Ark or Temple.

The best promise is always Emmanuel.

*To interpret this Psalm (and future Psalms like it) I’ve decided it makes more sense to interpret them from the New Testament perspective.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #32 Encouragement From The Lord

We are all born a certain way, with certain traits and desires and abilities. The best any of us can do is recognize our way and figure out how to make it work while we can. On days like today and over the last few weeks, I’ve questioned myself and what I want and if I’ll ever make it. It’s times like this that make me want a “real job” because a “real job” looks safe and reliable. (And women crave both of those things. Let’s be real.)

There’s a square-looking, mid-40s, white man who comes to the prayer chapel every morning. His hair is always and perfectly cropped in place and he dresses like a doctor or insurance salesman. When he enters the prayer chapel, he arranges the empty chairs and circles the central fountain a few times before leaving through the side door. And if I let my imagine run, I assume he’s in professional services or healthcare and he carefully plans his life. He’s the type of dad that “makes good time,” invests in 529(b) plans, and reads the owner’s manual when he buys a new gadget.

I also assumed he smelled like soap*.

Today, the well-groomed man came over to me in the prayer chapel and gave me a bit of encouragement. He introduced himself as Michael, spoke in a whisper, and said what he had to say. He told me the Lord was proud of the risks I take and my ability to live outside the box. Then I thanked him and he returned to his march around the fountain. (I appreciate the fact that he didn’t linger after.)

A few hours later I met my friend Josh for tacos. He is also a successful, well-groomed early 40s type. We chit-chatted for a bit and then caught up on current events. For me, that includes a significant lull in marketing work and an uptick in food delivery shifts. I admitted I was embarrassed by my situation and a few unexpected tears leaked out of my eyes as I questioned my approach to life and employment status. Then, and for as second time today, I was encouraged by the words of my friend. “You’re not like everyone else- the way you live and see life. And you try to live according to what you preach. Don’t give up on that.” It’s almost like the Lord is trying to tell me something.

We are all born a certain way, with certain traits and desires and abilities. The best any of us can do is recognize our way and figure out how to make it work while we can. On days like today and over the last few weeks, I’ve questioned myself and what I want and if I’ll ever make it. It’s times like this that make me want a “real job” because a “real job” looks safe and reliable. (And women crave both of those things. Let’s be real.)

The truth is I’m going through a rough patch and the last thing I should do is depart from the plan, which now seems to include food delivery. A normal job will only postpone the progress I’ve made. It’s a humbling moment.

*Yes. Michael smelled like soap- Dial or Dove or some such bar soap.

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Daily Journal Nik Curfman Daily Journal Nik Curfman

Vol III: #31 I Hate Election Season

I hate election night. The fun is gone and fear blankets almost every aspect of the event. The extreme idiots of either party grab the most headlines and the media revels being at the center of it all. It’s the main reason I got off social media- as stated in previous blogs. I just can’t stand the bickering and rising tension. And, it’s getting worse.

When I was a kid, I’d stay up late to watch election results. I didn’t understand all the nuances, hypocrisy, and double speak and so elections seemed like a fun affair. As a member of a conservative house in a conservative state, most of the elections went our way. That is until 1992 when we conservative folk thought the world was going to end after the election of Bill Clinton. The dread was real. How could we elect this godless womanizer? Of course, two years later we celebrated the GOP sweep of Congress, which was led by our brand of godless womanizer aka Newt Gingrich.

Thirty years later, I hate election night. The fun is gone and fear blankets almost every aspect of the event. The extreme idiots of either party grab the most headlines and the media revels being at the center of it all. The candidates try to convince us of how great they are and then detail the evils of their opponent- all while bedazzled in red, white, and blue. It’s the main reason I got off social media- as stated in previous blogs. I just can’t stand the bickering and rising tension. And, it’s getting worse.

Here in Redding, a bunch of idiots decided Shasta County elections may not be legitimate. In response, they have made life hard for our Election Clerk, a middle-aged lady named Cathy Allen. Redding is a conservative city in a conservative county in the country of Northern California. I don’t know how it’s suppose to be more conservative than it is. And I have no idea what election results were supposed to be fake. But, because some rich idiot with a loyal fan base keeps touting the big lie*, more idiots have come out of the woodwork to make life harder for the rest of us. As a result of one man’s lies and obsession with Redding’s election process, the county spent thousands and thousands of dollars trying to assure voters “Everything is ok. Cathy Allen is qualified and more than capable of running accurate elections.” For someone like me, it’s a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money, but probably a necessary waste, unfortunately.

The real crux of my perspective is I have no one to vote for. I think Republicans have lost their minds to nationalist/Trumpian dogma, and the Democrats are one comrade away from forcing us all to eat vegan mayo sandwiches and live in communes. (BTW, you can be a conservative and not support the far right of the GOP or people like DT. For example, Marco Rubio- had he won the election in 2016- would’ve also appointed three conservative judges. He would’ve done it but with far less bullying or pettiness.) When I look at my ballot I see nothing but a list of extremists and opportunists. It’s not fun.

Maybe that’s part of being an adult. Life is a lot more enjoyable when it’s simple and ignorant. You know? There’s a reason no one ever said “learn more, it’ll make you happy.” And, elections are proof that the more you know, the less you want to know.

This is the happiest or most uplifting blog, but it’s where I’m at.

(*To challenge the election results in Redding is a stupid as challenging yourself to a staring contest. The only reason we are living through this moronic moment is because of what one man released in 2020. And it wasn’t the Spirit of Truth. When election “observers” in Redding show up and cuss out normal, everyday election workers, that’s not the Lord. It’s the enemy meant to kill, steal, and destroy. “And, you will know a tree by the fruit it produces.” Bad trees produce assholes who provoke and harass local officials, without merit or cause. Period.)

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Abstraction Nik Curfman Abstraction Nik Curfman

Abstract: Psalm 131

My interpretation of Psalm 131.

Psalm 131

Oh God, I am not proud or unique.

And I avoid being “important.”

For I set myself to know you and be still.

I’m more like a mature child,

for I hope only in you.

To my family and friends,

hope is in the Lord, now and forever.

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