Vol II: #47 The Entertainment Fast Defined

In yesterday’s post, I wrote about my long affair with TV and entertainment. I also mentioned the beginning of my commitment to be TV-free for a year. Today, I will define what I consider to be “TV” and the boundaries of my commitment.

In the age of streaming, I think it’s best if I start with a definition of TV. I used the word TV liberally in my post yesterday, but today it makes sense to define it in broader terms of entertainment. The internet and smart devices turned all of our screens into little TVs, and entertainment is more than the network programming I grew up watching in the ’80s. (Ten-year-old Nik would’ve peed himself if he knew he could watch football from a handheld video phone.)

For the purpose of my Entertainment Fast, I define entertainment as the following:

Entertain is any recorded or live streamed, broadcast, or stored file program, sporting event, or movie. This includes any streamed show from an app such as Netflix or Apple+, broadcast from network TV, YouTube videos, and DVDs. It also includes old movies, any and every sporting event- including the coming Winter Olympics-, sitcoms, reality TV, documentaires, etc.

In short, for my purpose entertainment is an inclusive concept. I’m not going to give myself wiggle room. The spirit of this fast is to remove an idol from life, to make room for more of the good stuff. I don’t believe the removal of one thing will automatically cure wait ails me, but it will provide the needed space for the healing to occur.

Now that we have a rough definition of what is considered entertainment, the next task is to set the rules. Should I run from the room screaming when my roommate flips on the living room TV? Must I avoid ESPN.com for its video clips? Must I pluck out my eye if I watch an episode of Law and Order- for the bad acting, amiright? Below are what I think are five six good rules for the next year.

  1. When I’m home, no entertainment unless invited to do so by my roommate. So, when Ben fires up the TV, I will casually excuse myself soon after. If Ben invites me to watch a show or movie- at home or in the theatre- I give myself permission to accept or decline his invitation.

  2. When I’m visiting family or friends, entertainment is ok as a means of social interaction. The Super Bowl is in February and I’ll go watch it at a friend’s house. This is acceptable because it’s an invitation to be with other people.

  3. When I’m visiting family or friends, entertainment is not ok as a means of distraction or self-medication.

  4. I will allow myself to watch movies or videos for relevant educational and health-related purposes. My art classes are pre-recorded online classes, so I will continue to watch them, as are my yoga classes. If I want to learn how to make falafel, I’ll log onto YouTube. What doesn’t qualify would be a series of videos on 18th century Prussia. While educational, they aren’t relevant. If I genuinely want to learn about Prussian history, books still exist.

  5. Video highlight clips of news and sports are ok. Remember, this fast isn’t about being cut off from the world. It’s about putting my life in proper priority. Watching the occasional clips of news or sports is very different than watching an entire 4-hour game.

  6. OOPS. Adding a sixth! All rules are suspended on a plane. I can’t read on a plane, and movies help pass the time. (I’m not much of a podcast listener.)

As of today, the biggest hurdle is going to be what I do when my mind is desperate to “veg out.” I feel that way right now. My mind is telling me I want to watch a nature documentary. It doesn’t, but that’s what it’s telling me. So, I assume I will go through an adjustment period. My brain is going to be rewired and I don’t know how long it’s going to take.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Abstract: So Says Jesus


Vol II: #46 No TV For A Year