Vol III: #46 What I Have To Say

I saw a drug commercial today and it freaked me out. Why do they want to mess with the biology of children? One day we’ll look back at this era with shame for what we allowed them to do to our kids. And, say what you will to defend the American medical system, I think it is one of the most immoral and corrupt industries in the entire world. They make trillions- literal trillions- off making us sick or ashamed. Instead of healing our diseases, they simply want to help us manage them. And boy, do we have a lot of diseases.

But, I’m not here to rant about the Big Pharma or doctors. They are sinners who do not know what they do. Rather, I want to turn on the light.

The current state of the western world frightens me. I see a death culture shaded in Blue Donkey Left and/or Red Elephant Right. And, like so many, I feel drawn to “take a stand” or say something. So. I will:

The Lord is good and His love is eternal.

He holds us and guides us,

and takes away our shame.

We can hold our heads high and hope for the future because of Him.

Jesus died so we may live and every thing we do and every thing we say matters.

We are the light and salt,

Without us, the world is dark, bland, and voilent.

I will not seek answers from politicians or demand satisfaction from greedy men,

But I will love the orphaned and the broken.

I will wave to my neighbors and pick up trash left by the addicts.

I’ll pray for miracles and smile at the darkness,

for greater is He in me than this bullshit in the world.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol III: #47 Did I, Grow Up?


Abstract: Psalm 5