Vol II: #72 Terrible Week

Earlier this week, terrible things happened. The shooting in Texas was horrific and mind-numbing. And, a good friend lost his older brother in a freak kayaking accident. He was 42 with a wife and two young boys. As stated when I can began- terrible things, shitty things. I have no answers but to ask the Lord to comfort to the those who mourn. Heaven weeps with us.

One thing I learned from people dealing with cocked-up situations is not to let grief and anger consume me. I’ll take it a step further and say it does no good to ask “why?” or “how could God let this happen?” A) Shit happens. You’ll go crazy trying to figure out every disappointment. On the rare occasion you receive a truthful “why” answer, it will not ease the pain of absence or loss. And, B) God does want a single bad thing to happen to His children. Consider the Bible is full of shitty actions- murders, rapes, betrayal, torture, etc. God seems to “let” a lot happen. The temptation is to believe the existence of tragedy is a judgement against us but it isn’t. Shit happens to everyone and not all life can be consumed by tragedy or we would not have time to do much else.

Weeks like this one make me more grateful to be alive. I’m thankful for life and the people I get to love. What a gift. I’m more aware of the goodness and mercy of the Lord than ever. Why? Because. I should’ve died many times over whether it was drunk driving, nearly falling backward off a mountain, or swerving to miss a stopped car on the highway. I’m nearly 42 and I could’ve had a freak accident and write up in the paper. But, I’m still here. Thank God.

Terrible stuff happens. God is good and so is life. All of these things are true.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Abstract: Gifts and Grief


Abstract: Mikey