Vol III: #74 New Post Type Coming Tomorrow

So, to follow up on my last post, I will be featuring a lot more fiction in the form of short stories, beginning tomorrow. I found a couple of website offering daily writing prompts. And my goals are to push myself to write fiction everyday, and to get outside of my comfort zone. It is this second point that frightens and intrigues me the most.

I want to write about things that make me uncomfortable but are honest and real. This blog is often my propaganda, of a sort, though I try to be as raw as possible. Still, I tune my words and hold back when I’m scared of who might read what I wrote. I’ve even removed a few posts for the same reasons.

Anyway, what you’ll read three times a week are short stories based on a prompt. I’ll start with the prompt like Write about someone who thinks they just got a great deal on something, only for them to realize…Then, I’ll write my story, based on something I’ve experienced- the first memory that comes to mind. Tomorrow, I’ll use the prompt above and regale you about one of the many times I’ve been scammed. (Ugh. It’s so embarrassing. But, that’s the point.)

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Short #4: Hope in a Envelope


Vol III: #73 New New Goals