Vol III: #19 Know My Role

Owen is the most liberal of all my friends and he occasionally asks me my view of world events. We keep the conversations civil and respectful. Yesterday, my friend asked me what I thought the election results in Italy. (I know. Election results in Italy?) It just so happens that I’ve read a few articles on the subject in the lead up to the election. And, I knew what his primary concerns would be. Italy elected a “far-right” party into power, to the fears of those on the left.

I exchanged texts with Owen about the history of Italian politics (as corrupt as New Orleans) and the likely outcome of the new government. He was unmoved. My friend was distraught over the new powers in Italy intentions’ to use more extreme methods to curb immigrants from Africa. I felt his anxiety coming through the phone.

The thing is, I understand his primary concern. I too believe in humane solutions to the problems created by our immigration system. But, I didn’t feel heavy or responsible about it. And while I hope the new leaders in Italy treat all people with respect and dignity, what practical ability do I have to make it happen?! I live in California and I’m just trying to love the people around me.

So, I told my friend I loved him and understood his perspective.

I was like Owen not too long ago. I’d lay in bed at night and cry over tragic events or disturbing trends. And, I spent hours consuming the never ending drone of bad news. Not any more. I no longer carry the capacity to be weighed down by things I can’t change. Shitty things happen every day in every place on the planet. And, I choose to focus on what I can do, not what I can’t.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol III: #20 Head Up Not Head Down


Vol III: #18 What’s My Motivation?