Journal: #318 It’s Damn Hot

Today was a searing day in Redding, California. The sun was relentless and strong and the sky was unable to produce any clouds. The heat bounced around our concrete neighborhood, delaying relief until sunset. We’ve entered the time of the year when life is controlled by summer’s weather. Tomorrow will be a copy of today. Pools and lakes are hitting peak popularity. Thankfully, the professionals say it cool a bit starting Monday, down into the low 100˚s. Believe it or not, 102 is noticeably less horrific than 112˚.

I’m not complaining or upset. (People who bitch about predictable weather patterns are silly.) Still, the sun slapped my face as I took out the trash moments ago. The intense heat shocked me. Thank God for air conditioning and ice. Eh? It does make getting my ten thousand steps/day a challenge. I have to get out early so I’m not stuck walking during the hottest parts of the day or backloading my evening.

From now till mid-August will be the worst of it. It’s not so bad if the heat comes in broken waves. A few days above 100˚ is bearable if the temperature drops soon after. But, weeks of +100˚ is a killer. Cars become layered in dust and grit. I become a bit stir-crazy if I’m inside too long, and my drab apartment doesn’t help. (Ok, I am complaining a bit about the apartment. I am grateful for it and will be happy on moving day.) I wish my roommate were here.

I accept the heat of Redding. It’s part of life here in this strange corner of northern California. What I miss is people. I’m ready for new relationships and adventures. (Weather is just a thing— so long as it’s not humid.) In 11 weeks I’ll start BSSM. I know what awaits me there. For now, I want to make the most of the time I have left regardless of the temperatures.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process.

Journal: #319 Calm Before The Travel Storm


Journal: #317 A Year Ago