Vol III: #76 Have Fun

Fun for an adult is often a four letter word. Sure, we’re allowed to have fun, but only scheduled fun or briefly between adulty duties. And any adult who has too much fun isn’t consider much of one. No. We adults must get on with the serious business of living and working and dying. And we must encourage other adults to live and work and die because that’s what we are doing.

If I may, please indulge me for a moment. What if we didn’t have to sacrifice the fun and joy of living for the sake of life? Yes, we must be responsible. Without question, pay the bills, hug your spouse, blah blah, etc. Yes.d But, why do waste so much life on shit that doesn’t produce good fruit in our lives? Hiding behind our fears and the expectations of others? And make no mistakes, the expectations of others are a crutch, a rationale to self-sabotage and walk away from greatness. To this point, I say show me a people pleasers and I’ll show you someone who hates themself. As my dad would say, ask me how I know.

Today I was reminded of what it was like to play in the dirt or scribble on paper as a boy, when I didn’t give a shit about being a man. It was glorious, and I’m glad my parents let me do it. And I can’t say when or where those things stopped being fun, when I let my “work” be compared to others, and when I internalized the feeling of inferiority. At some moment, I stopped enjoying the process and was discouraged by the paintings and drawings of others. So, it was good to remember being a child and being content to experiment and to enjoy the process. In fact, it’s my hearts cry for the rest of the year, to get lost in the process like a boy still playing in the dirt as the sun slides down.

Nik Curfman

I am a writer and artist in the early stages of my trek. I spent 20 years trying to be who I thought I needed to be, and now I am running after who I am. Fearless Grit is my space to document and share the process. 


Vol III: #77 A Blur, A Woo-hoo


Abstract: Resurrection